Schedule (Subject to Change)

Lecture Videos

We use Panopto to record lecture videos. Course videos (e.g., lectures videos) can be found by logging on to ELMS or by accessing the following link: It may take about an hour for a video recorded in lecture to be available in Panopto.


Week Topics Slides Work
Wk #1
(Aug 26)
Course Introduction, C Data Types, Operators, Input / Output, Course-Intro.pdf C-Language-I.pdf C-Language-II.pdf
Wk #2
(Sep 2)
Input/Output (cont), Control Statements, Functions, C Storage Types, Linkage, Input/Output Redirection, Debugger (gdb) C-Language-III.pdf Gdb.pdf E1 Out (Wed)
Wk #3
(Sep 9)
Valgrind, Math Library, Arrays, Pointers Arrays.pdf PointersI.pdf E1 Due (Wed)
P1 Out (Wed)
Wk #4
(Sep 16)
Revisiting Arrays, Pointer Arithmetic, Strings, Structures Revisiting-Arrays.pdf Pointer-Arithmetic.pdf Strings.pdf Structures.pdf P1a Due (Tue)
E2 Out (Thu)
P1 Due (Fri)
P2 Out (Fri)
Wk #5
(Sep 23)
Command Line Arguments, Standard I/O Revisiting-Structures.pdf Void-Ptrs.pdf CmdLine-Args.pdf IO.pdf E2 Due (Tue)
P2a Due (Wed)
P2 Due (Fri)
Wk #6
(Sep 30)
Preprocessor, Data Representation, Make PreprocessorI.pdf DataRepresentation.pdf Make.pdf Exam #1 (Tue)
P3 Out (Tue)
Wk #7
(Oct 7)
Function Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Encapsulation in C FunctionPtrs.pdf DynamicMemAlloc.pdf P3a Due (Tue)
E3 Out (Wed)
P3 Due (Fri)
Wk #8
(Oct 14)
Bitwise Operations, Linked Lists, Memory Functions BitwiseOperators.pdf LinkedLists.pdf E3 Due (Wed)
Quiz (Thu)
P4 Out (Fri)
Wk #9
(Oct 21)
Realloc, Assembly ReallocMemFuncs.pdf AssemblyI.pdf P4a Due (Wed)
Mid-Term Grades Due (Wed)
Wk #10
(Oct 28)
Assembly AssemblyII.pdf AssemblyIIILoopsMemAcc.pdf P4 Due (Mon)
Exam #2 (Thu)
E4 Out (Thu)
Wk #11
(Nov 4)
Assembly, Process Control (fork, wait) PreprocessorII.pdf AssemblyIVStack.pdf ProcessControlIntro.pdf ProcessControlFork.pdf P5 Out (Tue)
E4 Due (Wed)
Wk #12
(Nov 11)
Process Control (exec)
ProcessControlWait.pdf ProcessControlExec.pdf P5a Due (Mon)
E5 Out (Wed)
P5 Due (Thu)
Wk #13
(Nov 18)
System I/O (read, write, dup2), Pipes (Intro), Concurrency, Time SysInOutI.pdf SysInOutIIDup2.pdf SysInOutIIIPipes.pdf Concurrency.pdf Time.pdf E5 Due (Wed)
E6 Out (Wed)
Exam #3 (Thu)
P6 Out (Thu)
Wk #14
(Nov 25)
Dup2, Pipes Thanksgiving
Wk #15
(Dec 2)
Preprocessor II, Optimization, Libraries, Assembly Stack Frame, Signals, Course Evaluations Optimization.pdf PreprocessorII.pdf Libraries.pdf StackFrames.pdf Signals.pdf P6a Due (Tue)
E6 Due (Tue)
P6 Due (Thu)
Wk #16
(Dec 9)
Last Day of Classes
(Mon, Dec 9)

Final Exam
(Thu, Dec 12, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm)

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