CMSC 420, Section 0301 - Data Structures

Fall 2021


All assignments will be turned in on ELMS this semester. No need to worry about GRACE setup or handing in copies in person.


AssignmentDue Date
Assignment 1September 21
Assignment 2September 30
Assignment 3October 28th
Assignment 4November 9th

Quadtree Project

Link to project description

Link to the enhanced project description NOTE: This is included because it includes hints towards some of the geometry used in the project. The operations being described are for Rectangle Quadtrees, not MXCIF [go for the project description for the actual details of the MXCIF project]. Only refer to this when looking for hints on the geometry, which would be on pages 6 and 7.

Testing & Submission Instructions

Drawing Routine Code (SHOWQUAD and PRINTQUAD)

AssignmentDue DateSample Test DataAssignment NO.Executeable File Name
Part 1September 9thN/AN/AN/A
Part 2September 16th[input][output]2part2
Part 3October 14th
  • [sample_1 input ][sample_1 output]
  • [sample_2 input ][sample_2 output]
  • [sample fig]
  • Part 4November 20th[input (UPDATED)][output (UPDATED)]4part4
    Note: output.demo in part3 corresponds to the coordinate system in the "demo", and output.notes in part3 corresponds to the one in the enchanced description of project.

    Project Part 1 FAQ

  • Where can we turn in part 1? Unlike previous semesters, we will use ELMS for submissions this semester. An ELMS submission page will be available soon.
  • Do we need to set up any environments? No environment needed, just make sure that your implementation is in either C or C++.
  • Is part 1 a hand-written design, or do we need to write code? Part 1 is a coding assignment, so expect to turn in one class for the rectangle, and one class for a data struct holding rectangles. Each part builds on top of each other, so be sure that part 1 is well thought out so that performance of other parts do not suffer. Design of the data structure is up to your discretion.
  • Web Accessibility