Announcements - Course Info - Assignments - Resources
Online zoom meeting
Tue Thu 09:30 am - 10:45 am
Instructor: Hanan Samet
E-mail: hjs at cs dot umd dot edu
Office hours: Tue 08:30 am - 09:30 am
Telephone: (301) 405-1755
(Questions pertaining to the projects and homework assignments should be directed to the Teaching Assistant.)
Teaching Assistant: Yunheng Han
E-mail: yhhan at terpmail dot umd dot edu
Office hours: Wed Fri 10:00 am - 12:00 am zoom meeting
(Please email the TA if none of the above hours work for you.)
H. Samet. Foundations of Multi-Dimensional and Metric Data Structures.
Morgan Kaufmann, 2006. ISBN 0-12-3694469.
You can purchase it at the University Book Center,,
or Elsevier.
At Elsevier, you can enter the promotion code ATRSCHOOL which reflects a 40% off (the code will expire soon). Otherwise try the code COMP319 to get a 30% off. The shipping is free, while Amazon may charge for shipping if you do not have Amazon Prime.
H. Samet. Notes on Data Structures. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2016.
It is available in lecture note form for purchase (for $25) at the Engineering Copy
Center (in Martin Hall 1123, near the Food Court). The
lectures follow the notes very closely and thus you may not need to take notes. You may want to call ahead (301) 405-3875 to make sure that a copy is available for you
when you go there. We will release the electronic version of individual chapters.
The homework assignments should be submitted through gradescope.
All project-related questions will be answered on piazza to ensure all students equal access to the information.