CMSC 436, Fall 2019

Programming Handheld Systems


None at this time.

Semester Projects

Team Assignments: Here are the team assignments for the semester project

Final Project Ideas. Please read over this document. Your bids for projects are due by Wednesday, October 2 at 11:59pm. You should submit your bids through the Google survey form (See Prof. Porter's recent Piaza post for link).

Here is the list of Milestones and Deliverables you will use for your semester project.

Note: Final Project submission on Dec. 3, 2019 by 11:59pm. Each student should submit two work products.

The first is a list of project team members and a 1-5 rating of that team members contribution to the project. 1=Did Not Contribute Substantially, 2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Above Average, 5=Exceptional).

The second is a zipped directory containing a filled out html template and accompanying information. This directory be unzipped and added to the class website. Please use the following html template file to create that page. Where the template asks for a link to something, you should fill in that link in the template. This link will be to a host you identify. For example, there should be a link to a YouTube video you create to demonstrate your project in operation. Where it asks for the actual data (such as screenshots and icons), put those elements in the zipped directory and fill in the link within the template file. Make sure to rename the template file, index.html.

Draft Project Ideas.Please read over this document. If you'd like to suggest additional project ideas, send the Professor a 1-paragraph outline of your idea for inclusion into the Project Ideas list. Ideas will be accepted until Monday, September 23 at 11:59pm. .

Weekly Assignments

Weekly assignments are provided via your account.

Class Links

Web Accessibility