Lab 7: Practicing with Self-Reference
Implement this lab with the Beginning Student Language.
Make sure you follow The Style we use for the {B,I,A}SL{,+} languages in this class.
Choose the initial Head and Hands, and get started!
Self-referencing templates
Ex 1: Make templates for each of the following data definitions:
; A Messages is one of: ; - (make-no-msgs) ; - (make-some-msgs String Messages) (define-struct no-msgs ()) (define-struct some-msgs (m more)) ; A Mixages is one of: ; - (make-last-msgs String) ; - (make-some-msgs String Mixages) (define-struct last-msgs (m)) ; A MsgTree is one of: ; - (make-leaf) ; - (make-node String MsgTree MsgTree) (define-struct leaf ()) (define-struct node (v left right)) ; A MessageList is one of: ; - empty ; - (cons String MessageList) ; A NonEmptyMessageList is one of: ; - (cons String empty) ; - (cons String NonEmptyMessageList)
Ex 2: Design the following functions:
; count-messages : Messages -> Natural ; Count the number of strings in the messages ; count-mixages : Mixages -> Natural ; Count the number of strings in the mixages ; count-message-tree : MsgTree -> Natural ; Count the number of strings in the message tree ; count-message-list : MessageList -> Natural ; Count the number of strings in the message list ; count-non-empty-message-list : NonEmptyMessageList -> Natural ; Count the number of strings in the non-empty message list ; length-messages : Messages -> Natural ; Count the total length of all the strings in the messages ; length-message-tree : MsgTree -> Natural ; Count the total length of all the strings in the message tree ; messages->message-list : Messages -> MessageList ; Convert the given messages into a message list ; message-tree->message-list : MsgTree -> MessageList ; Convert the given message into a message list ; List should contain strings in the tree (you can decide in what order)
Ex 3: Make templates for each of the following data definitions:
; A NestingDoll is one of ; - empty ; - (make-doll NestingDoll) (define-struct doll (inside)) ; A RedDoll is one of ; - empty ; - (make-red-doll BlueDoll) ; A BlueDoll is one of: ; - (make-blue-doll RedDoll)
Ex 4: Design the following functions:
; doll-depth : NestingDoll -> Natural ; Count the nesting depth of the given doll ; blue-depth : RedDoll -> Natural ; Count the number of blue dolls within given red doll