Lab 10: Eggs and Abstractions
Implement this lab with the Beginning Student Language with LIST ABBREVIATIONS.
Make sure you follow The Style we use for the {B,I,A}SL{,+} languages in this class.
Choose the initial Head and Hands, and get started!
Many Eggs
Ex 1: Starting from the code we saw in class today (snake.1.rkt), modify the game so that there can be an arbitrary number of eggs in play at any given time.
Ex 2: Modify the game so that instead of a new egg being generated after eating an egg, a new egg may be generated after every 15 ticks of time.
Ex 3: Modify the game so that instead of a new egg appearing randomly anywhere on the screen, new eggs appear randomly under some segment of the snake. You may find the pick-random function defined in the file helpful.
Abstracting Snake
Ex 4: Review all of the code, both given to you and written by you, and try to develop abstraction functions and reformulate the existing code to use your new abstraction functions.