Carol Whitney's home page


  1. CS Whitney, RS Berndt & JA Reggia (1996) Simulation of neurogenic reading disorders with a dual-route connectionist model. In J.A. Reggia, E. Ruppin, R.S. Berndt (Eds.) Neural Modeling of Cognitive Disorders , World Scientific, Singapore, 201-228.

  2. CS Whitney, JA Reggia & S Cho (1997) Does rotation of neuronal population vectors equal mental rotation? Connection Science , 9: 253-268.

  3. CS Whitney & RS Berndt (1999) A new model of letter string encoding: Simulating right neglect dyslexia. Progress in Brain Research , 121: 143-163.

  4. C Whitney (2001) How the brain encodes the order of letters in a printed word: The SERIOL model and selective literature review. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 8: 221-243.

  5. C Whitney (2001) Position-specific effects within the SERIOL framework of letter-position coding. Connection Science, 13: 235-255.

  6. C Whitney (2001) An explanation of the length effect for rotated words. In E Altmann, A Cleermans, C Schunn, & W Gray (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling . Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates. 217-221.

  7. C Whitney (2004) Hemisphere-specific effects in word recognition do not require hemisphere-specific modes of access. Brain and Language , 88: 279-293.

  8. J Grainger & C Whitney (2004) Does the huamn mnid raed wrods as a whole? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 8:58-59.

  9. C Whitney & M Lavidor (2004) Why word length only matters in the left visual field. Neuropsychologia , 42:1680-1688.

  10. C Whitney (2004) Investigations into the Neural Basis of Structured Representations Doctoral Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park.

  11. M Lavidor & C Whitney (2005) Word length effects in Hebrew. Cognitive Brain Research , 24, 127-132.

  12. C Whitney & P Cornelissen (2005) Letter-position encoding and dyslexia. Journal of Research in Reading , 28, 274-301.

  13. C Whitney & M Lavidor (2005) Facilitative orthographic neighborhood effects: The SERIOL model account. Cognitive Psychology , 51, 179-213.

  14. C Whitney (2006) An alternative model of sentence parsing explains complexity phenomena more comprehensively, without problems of localist encoding. (Commentary on "Neural blackboard architectures of combinatorial structures in cognition" by van der Velde and de Kamps.) Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 29(1): 87-88.

  15. C Whitney & P Cornelissen (2008) SERIOL reading. Language and Cognitive Processes 23, 143-164.

  16. C Whitney (in press) A comparison of the SERIOL and SOLAR theories of letter-position encoding. Brain and Language.

  17. C Whitney (in press) Supporting the serial in the SERIOL model . Language and Cognitive Processes .

    Unpublished Manuscripts

  18. C Whitney. One mechanism or two: A commentary on reading normal and degraded words.

  19. C Whitney. Does letter-by-letter reading in pure alexia reflect seriality in normal reading?

    New Blog

    For comments on recent publications, please see my blog, Orthoblography .