Last updated on June 5, 2008
Carol Whitney
B.S. Computer Science, University of Maryland, 1985.
M.S. Computer Science, University of Maryland, 1994.
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science , University of Maryland, 2004.
Research Interests
I am interested in developing models of information processing in the brain
which are constrained from the bottom up by neurobiological plausibility and from
the top down by behavioral experimental data. I originally applied this method
to the problem of letter-position encoding during visual word recognition. This work has led to experimental results identifying the source of
visual-field asymmetries in lexical decision.
I have also developed a model of how a parse tree, the hierarchical
of the syntatic structure of a sentence, is calculated and encoded.
My dissertation on these topics, entitled Investigations into the
Neural Basis of Structured Representations , is available
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