Hassan Sayyadi
Email: [my last name][at][cs.umd.edu]
Department of
Computer Science
University of
Maryland, College Park
Advisor: Louiqa
Co-Advisor: Lise
link to KeyGraph
Research Interest
- Machine Learning and Social Network Analysis
- Information Extraction, Information Retrieval,
and Search Engines
- 2007-now, PHD in Computer Science, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, US
- 2007-2009, MS in Computer Science, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, US
- 2005-2007, Ms in Software Engineering, Sharif University Of Technology,
Tehran, Iran
- 2001-2005, BS in Software Engineering, Sharif University Of Technology,
Tehran, Iran
- 2000-2001, College Diploma, Aboreihan College,
Babol, Iran
- 1999-2000, High School Diploma, Alghadir
High School, Babol, Iran
- 1997-1999, High School Diploma, Nemone Mardomi
High School, Babol, Iran
and Awards
- Winner of Best Student Paper Award
in Data Integration in the Life Sciences(DILS'08), France, 2008.
- Nominated for The Best Paper Award
in IAENG International Conference on Computer Science (ICCS'07), Hong
Kong, 21-23 March, 2007.
- Ranked 1th in "Programing
Competition" among B.S. students of Computer Engineering Department,
Sharif university of technology.
- Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, Summer 2008
(Mentor: Matthew Hurst)
- Comcast Research Lab, Washington, DC, Summer 2010
(Mentor: Amit Bagga and Anthony Davis)
- Comcast Research Lab, Washington, DC, Summer 2012
(Mentor: Amit Bagga)
(in reverse chronological order)
- H. Sayyadi, and L. Raschid,"A Graph Analytical Approach for Topic Detection", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2013 (pdf)
- H. Sayyadi, J. Edmonds,V. Hristidi, and L. Raschid, "Challenges in Personalized Authority Flow Based Ranking of Social Media", to Appear in Proceeding of The 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2010), Toronto, Canada,
- J. Edmonds, L. Raschid, H. Sayyadi, and S. Wu, "Exploiting Social Media to Provide Humanitarian Specialist Users with Event Based Search, Recommendations and Personalized Content", 7th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), 2010, Seattle, Washington.
- H. Sayyadi, M. Hurst, and A.
Maykov. "Event Detection and Story Tracking in Social Streams".
to Appear in Proceeding of 3rd Int'l AAAI Conference on Weblogs and
Social Media (ICWSM09), May 17 - 20, 2009, San Jose, California.(pdf)
- H. Sayyadi, and L. Getoor. "FutureRank:
Ranking Scientific Articles by Predicting their Future PageRank".
To Appear in Proceeding of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
- W. J. Lee, L. Raschid,
H. Sayyadi, and P. Srinivasan, "Exploiting
Ontology Structure and Patterns of Annotation to Mine Significant
Associations between Pairs of CV Terms", To appear in Data
Integration in the Life Sciences(DILS'08), France, 2008 (Winner
of Best Student Paper Award)
- H. Sayyadi, S. Salehi.
and M.Ghodsi,
"SimDiv: a New Solution for Protein Comparison", a
book chapter in Current Trends in Intelligent Systems and Computer
Engineering , published by Springer, 2007.
- H. Sayyadi, S. Salehi.
and M.Ghodsi,
"Using Similarity Flooding for Extracting Similar Parts of
Proteins", To Appear in Proceeding of IAENG International
Conference on Computer Science (ICCS'07), Hong Kong, 21-23 March, 2007 (Nominated
for the Best Paper Award).(pdf)
- H. Sayyadi, S. Salehi
and H.
Abolhassani. "NeSReC: News meta-Search Result
Clustering". To Appear in Proceeding of CIS2E 06 The
International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems
Sciences, and Engineering, USA, December 4-14, 2006.(pdf)
- H. Sayyadi, S. Salehi
and H.
Abolhassani. "Survey on News Mining Tasks".
To Appear in Proceeding of CIS2E 06 The International Joint Conferences
on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering, USA,
December 4-14, 2006.(pdf)
- M.
Jamali, H. Sayyadi, B. Bagheri Hariri
and H.
Abolhassani, "A Method for Focused Crawling Using
Combination of Link Structure and Content Similarity", to
Appear in Proceeding of 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on
Web Intelligence (WI-06), Hong Kong, December 2006.(pdf)
- B.
Bagheri Hariri, H.
Abolhassani and H. Sayyadi,"A
Neural-Networks-Based Approach for Ontology Alignment", In
proceedings of Joint 3rd International Conference on Soft Computing and
Intelligent Systems and 7thInternational Symposium on advanced
Intelligent Systems, Tokyo, Japan, September 2006.(pdf)
- B.
Bagheri Hariri, H. Sayyadi, H. Abolhassani
and K. Sheykh
Esmaili, "Combining Ontology Alignment Metrics Using
the Data Mining Techniques", In Proceeding of 2006
International Workshop on Context and Ontologies (C&O '2006),
Trento, Italy, August 2006.(pdf)
- H. Sayyadi, "News Retrieval
and Mining", Semantic Web Research Laboratory, Sharif University of
Technology, M.S. thesis, June 2007
- H. Sayyadi, "Semantic Web
Crawler", Semantic Web Research Laboratory, Computer Department, Sharif
University of Technology, B.Sc. thesis, October 200
- Data Mining (Fall 2006), Dr. H. Abolhassani
- Semantic Web (Spring 2006), Dr. H. Abolhassani
- Modern Information Retrieval (Fall 2005), Dr. H. Abolhassani
- Programming Languages (Spring 2005), Dr. Gh.
- Object Oriented Programming in Java (Fall
2004), Dr. R. Khosravi
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Spring
2004), Prof. M.Ghodsi
- Data Structures and Algorithms (Fall 2003),
Prof. M.Ghodsi
- Exploiting Ontology Structure and Patterns of
Annotation to Mine Significant Associations between CV Terms
- News Clustering
- News Retrieval
- Ontology Matching
- Developing a Semantic Web for Sharif University
of Technology
Graduate Courses
- Data Mining, Machine Learning, Link Mining,
Decision Support Systems, Sensor Networks and Data streams,
Computational Challenges of Web 2.0 and Beyond, Neural Modeling,
Computational Linguistics
- Computer Networks, Distributed Systems,
Computer Performance Evaluation, Advanced Software Engineering
- Parallel Algorithms, Computational Geometry
Co-Supervised BS Theses:
- News Retrieval System for Persian News, Fall
- News collection with detecting their importance
in the corresponding news source, Spring 2007