CMSC 311 | Computer Organization | Fall 2003 |
Sections 0101, 0201 | Section 0301 |
Steve Scolnik | Clyde Kruskal |
1127 A. V. Williams, 405-2709 | 3215 A. V. Williams, 405-2683 |
steves@cs.umd.edu1 | kruskal@cs.umd.edu1 |
Prerequisite: CMSC 214 with a grade of C or better and CMSC 250 with a grade of C or better and permission of department.
Description: Computer organization, with particular emphasis on the programmer's point of view. Data representation, instruction set architecture (ISA), assembly language, combinational and sequential circuits, processor datapath and control, memory, I/O overview.
Teaching assistants will hold office hours on a walk-in basis for tutoring and questions about the course material, as well as assistance with the programming projects, in 1112 A. V. Williams. The office hours schedule will be posted on the class web page. Teaching assistants will also grade projects and assist grading exams. The teaching assistants for this semester are:
Our email addresses are supplied so you can contact us when absolutely necessary in emergency situations, but we regret that due to the large size of this course we have insufficient resources to conduct routine course business via email. We strive to answer email in as timely a fashion as possible but there is no guarantee how quickly that might be at any particular time. We can not under any circumstances debug students' projects via email. We will generally be unable to answer any substantive questions on course material via email; these are more appropriate for class discussion or office hours. Personal communication, in office hours or before or after class (if time permits), is the preferred means of communicating with us and the quickest way to receive a reply. We will always be able to devote more attention and to give a much more detailed reply to any issue which is discussed in person.
Various course materials will be made available on the class webpage
and in the class posting account.
Important announcements will also be made
through the webpage; students are
responsible for reading these announcements and knowing
their contents.
The class webpage is at the following URL:
The class posting account is ss311001.
Although attendance will not be taken, students are required to attend all classes. In particular, students will be held responsible for all material covered and announcements, policies, and deadlines discussed in lecture, regardless of whether they were in class to hear the information or not.
Homework exercises and solutions will be made available on the class webpage. These will be collected and graded, but the main purpose is to serve as practice for you to test your knowledge of the material and as preparation for exams and projects. You should read the relevant chapters and solve the homework exercises when topics are first presented in lecture to insure you are keeping up with the material.
Coursework will count towards the final grade according to the following percentages:
Homework: | biweekly | 10% |
Programming projects: | 2 coding assignments | 20% |
Midterms: | two midterms | 40% (20% each) |
Final: | (will be comprehensive) | 30% |
Any request for reconsideration of the grading on any exam or project must be submitted to your instructor within one week of the original return date of the exam or project, or it will not be considered. The instructors reserve the right to regrade the entirety of any exam or project so submitted, which could result in a lower score for coursework submitted for specious reasons.
NOTE: assistance with and suggestions regarding project problems are provided during office hours, but it is the responsibility of the student to develop and to do most of the debugging of his or her own program. Do not expect the TAs or instructors to take the primary responsibility for getting your project to work.
Projects will be submitted electronically and further instructions will appear on the assignments. Under no circumstances will any emailed project, or any attempt to submit a project using any means other than that specified on the assignment, be considered.
All projects will be due at 11:00 PM on the day indicated on the project assignment. A project will be accepted up to two days late with a 15% deduction in credit for the first day and an additional 10% deduction for the second day. All projects will be graded out of 100 points.
Projects not submitted by the end of the two-day grace period will not receive any credit. Since there is therefore no reason to submit a project after its two-day late period is over, projects submitted after that time will not be graded.
If more than one submission has been made by a student for any project assignment (for example, both an on-time submission as well as a two-day late submission) all submissions will be graded and the highest grade will be recorded.
Due to the numerous issues regarding incompatibility between operating systems, file formats, etc., on different computer systems, students are strongly advised to do all of their program development on the OIT UNIX Class Cluster. All students registered will be issued class accounts on these systems.
If you have access to another computer, such as a
personal computer at home or another computer system at your job, and you
choose to work on your programming projects there, you should keep the
following information in mind. All project submissions must be made
from your class account on the OIT Class Cluster and must run and work
correctly using the ``spim'' simulator available on the class cluster.
The instructional staff only
has access to your class account in office hours, and cannot help you with
any program written on any other computer (except from a printout).
Furthermore, it is your responsibility to find out how to transfer a program
to your class account for submission; the instructional staff cannot help
with this (see the Help Desk in 1400 CSS for information on transferring
files between computers, or check their webpage at
). No consideration will be made in grading
for any errors made in transferring files, or mistakes involving
transferring the wrong file from some other system to your class account.
If you still want to attempt writing any project on another
system you are strongly recommended to complete it several days
early, to have time to address any problems arising from transferring files
or any problems related to compiler incompatibilities.
Students with disabilities who have been certified by Disability Support Services as needing any type of special accommodations should see their instructor as soon as possible.
It is the University's policy to provide reasonable accommodations for students observing religious holidays, but it is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor in advance of any intended religious observances. Written notice must be provided no later than the end of the schedule adjustment period for any accommodation to be made.
Excused absences for exams or extensions on projects (as discussed below), will be approved only with proper documentation. If you have a valid reason for missing an exam or requesting an extension on a project, it is your responsibility to have the proper verification. A medical excuse consists of written verification from the Health Center, or a letter from your personal physician stating that you were incapacitated and listing exact dates of incapacitation. This written verification must include the telephone number of a contact person. A ``Verification of Visit'' form from the Health Center will not be accepted - you must instead have a ``Class Excuse Form'' in which a medical practitioner specifically writes your dates of incapacitation, otherwise the excuse will not be accepted. You may have to sign a release at the Health Center in order to get a Class Excuse Form. Note that an illness is considered severe enough to warrant an excused absence or extension only if a medical doctor states that you were incapacitated by it. According to this policy, unless you were ill enough to require medical care, you can not receive an excused absence or extension; staying at home during an illness, regardless of severity, does not constitute a valid medical excuse. Furthermore, in the case of missed exams the date of an illness as listed on the documentation must include the date of the exam; being ill some time before the exam but not on its exact date will not count for an excused absence. Medical documentation which does not provide the information described will be rejected, and as a result an excused absence or extension will not be granted. If you will be missing an exam for any reason other than medical (e.g., a job interview or required University function), you must contact your instructor at least one (1) week in advance to request consideration of your circumstances.
As discussed above, projects may be submitted without any special permission up to two days late, with a deduction in credit for each day, up to a total deduction of 25%. Projects will be assigned with more than sufficient time to be completed by students who have a reasonable understanding of the necessary material and begin promptly. As a result, extensions on project assignments will be granted only in extreme circumstances, and will only be of short duration even in such cases, possibly much less than the number of days missed. In the case of serious illness, accident, or family or personal emergency, an extension on a project will be considered if your instructor is notified in advance of the due date, either in person, by email, or by telephone. Only in cases of illness or emergency so serious that advance notice is impossible, such as in cases of extended, major illness, or serious accident or emergency, with documentation to that effect as described above, will an extension be considered without advance approval. In such cases it is your responsibility to notify your instructor as promptly as possible, otherwise an excused absence will not be granted. Unless your instructor was notified of any extenuating circumstances before a project assignment has been graded and returned, no extension will be considered under any circumstances, even with proper documentation.
Exams will be held in the evening on the dates below, unless a change is necessary to accommodate lecture topics. In that case, the revised date will be announced in lecture and posted on the class webpage. The final exam date, however, is fixed. All sections will take the exam at the same time. In order to take a makeup exam, you must bring a documented university-approved excuse, and you must contact us before the time of the exam. The makeup exam will be given the day following the scheduled exam. You must also bring the documentation and contact information for your employer or doctor, etc, so that we may verify that you had a legitimate excuse. Students' final exams will be rescheduled only due to their having another course's final at exactly the same time as this course's. If you have such a conflict with another final, it is your obligation to inform your instructor at least one month before the time of the final exam, otherwise no allowances can be made. Exam locations will be announced in lecture prior to the exam dates.
Exam | Date | Location |
Exam #1 | Monday, October 13, 6:00-7:00 | TBA |
Exam #2 | Wednesday, November 12, 6:00-7:00 | TBA |
Final exam | Tuesday, December 16, 4:00-6:00 | TBA |
Please carefully read and consider the Computer Science Department policy regarding the use of computer systems, and the Office of Information Technology's policy regarding acceptable use of computer accounts provided for instructional use, in the Fall 2003 issue of the departmental newsletter, CS Tid-Bits. Note in particular the penalties for impermissible cooperation on programming projects, which is a violation of the University's Code of Academic Integrity. Any evidence of unacceptable use of computer accounts or unauthorized cooperation on exams or projects will be submitted to the Student Honor Council, without notification or warning, which could result in an XF for the course, suspension, or expulsion from the University.
NOTE SPECIFICALLY that projects are to be done INDIVIDUALLY. For academic honesty purposes, projects are to be considered comparable to an extended take-home exam. That is, any cooperation or exchange of ideas which would be prohibited on an exam is also prohibited on a project assignment. Working IN ANY WAY with another student or individual will be considered a violation and WILL BE REPORTED to the Honor Council. Students may not discuss design of an entire program or of parts thereof, or any high-level code with anyone except the instructors and teaching assistants. Students may use any published textbooks, but any information which is not a student's original work must cite the source of that particular information in a comment in that section of the program. If you have any question about a particular situation or source then consult with your instructor. Should you have difficulty with a programming assignment you should see the teaching assistants or your instructor in office hours, NOT solicit help from anyone else in violation of these rules. Students are welcome to study together or to receive help in learning the course concepts from anyone else, but other than help from the instructional staff, project assignments themselves are to be solely and entirely each student's own work.
Every project submitted is checked for violations of the above requirements.