You will write a client program which will communicate with
the server program provided by us. You are also given a
``sketch'' of the client program; all you have
to do is fill in the communication parts.
The server, SERVER_HOSTNAME, creates a socket in the Internet domain bound to
port SERVER_PORT (both constants are defined in the
.h file
provided for you), receives messages from it, acts on the
messages, and returns the results to the requester. For this simple
exercise, there are only three types of messages: HELLO and BYE messages
from a client to the server and an ACK message from the server to a client.
Each message is a simple character string which consists of several
fields, and which must be terminated by a new-line character, '\n'.
All fields of a
message must be separated by exactly one blank space, ' '.
The number of fields varies with the message type.
Each HELLO message has five fields: (1) a version field (must be set to
"PROJ1" for Project 1), (2) a uid field (this is your AITs login id),
(3) a firstname field (this is your first name), (4) a lastname field
(this is your last name), and (5) a type field, "HELLO".
A sample HELLO message (in C/C++ string format) is as follows:
"PROJ1 lg41799 John Henderson HELLO\n"
(Please note that '\n' means a new-line character, not a
two-character string). A client sends a HELLO message to the
server, waits for the reply, responds with another message, and then
prints the uid, the firstname, and the lastname (which
were sent in the HELLO message) along with a cookie received in the reply
(as explained below).
When the server receives a HELLO message (type field is set to
HELLO), it will construct a response message and send it back to
the client. The response message has three fields:
(1) a version field ("PROJ1"),
(2) a cookie field, and (3) a type field, "ACK".
A cookie is a randomly generated number which is returned by the server to
a client. You must
use the same number (i.e., cookie) to send a BYE message to the server
(as explained below) to complete the
communication. The following is a sample C/C++ string (message)
returned by the server:
"PROJ1 1234567 ACK\n"
When a client receives an ACK message (type field is set to
ACK), it will construct a
BYE message and send it back to the server. A BYE message has three
fields: (1) a version field ("PROJ"), (2) a cookie field, and (3) a type field,
"BYE". In this case, the cookie must be identical to the one
received from
the server in the corresponding ACK message. (The server will generate
different cookies for clients on receipt of different HELLO messages.)
A BYE message looks as follows:
"PROJ1 1234567 BYE\n"
Please note that, there are no blank spaces inside a field.
The command line syntax for the client is given below.
The client program takes several command-line arguments,
corresponding to the uid, firstname, and lastname fields of
the HELLO message (as described above).
The hostname and port specifications are optional.
If included, this must override
the default definition of SERVER_HOSTNAME and
optional port is appended to the optional hostname and separated by a colon (as
in URLs).
client [-h <hostname>:<port>] -u <uid> -f <firstname> -l <lastname>
The client program will not be long (probably about 100-200 lines
including comments), but it may be difficult to write, and it will
certainly be difficult to debug. First read
Berkeley UNIX System Calls and Interprocess
Communication by Lawrence Besaw very carefully.
This document will have some information which you
will not need to know for this assignment (e.g. UNIX domain sockets
and the UDP protocol). Pay particular attention to the program example
at the end.
Figure out which system calls will be needed by your
your client program and read the corresponding man pages. You might
also find "Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol III", by Comer and
Stevens, Prentice Hall (Chaps 5 and 6) as well as "UNIX Network
Programming" by W. Richard Stevens, Prentice Hall (Chap 6) useful. The
Comer and Stevens book should be in the Engineering Library.
You should use gcc as your compiler, rather than
cc. Gcc supports prototypes and other ANSI extensions,
which you should use in your programs. The option -Wall turns
on most of the useful gcc warnings. Compiling with this option
will find many simple mistakes in your programs. You should try to get
your programs to compile with as few warnings as possible. Part of
your grade will be based on how warning-free your program
compiles. You may also add options -ansi. This will make the
compiler reject non-ANSI programs. On many platforms you also need to
link the network and socket libraries to your program. You should use
the gmake program to compile your program. Make(1) is a program
that reads a file (Makefile) that describes how to compile your
Use netstat(1) to see what sockets have been created by your
program (you may have to put it in the background; once a program
terminates, the sockets it created go away).
Clean up! Use ps(1) to see what processes you have left
lying around, and use kill(1) to get rid of them.
Be sure to check the
Project Notes and the
Submission Guidelines
listed on the class Web page for other requirements.
Have fun and good luck!