Submission Guidelines - CMSC 417, Spring 2000,
Section 0101
We use automated grading scripts to handle much of the compiling
and testing of student projects. Consequently, you must follow
these guidelines very carefully.
You can develop your code on any machine you like.
We suggest you use the aITs Alpha Unix Cluster,
because you will be graded based on how your code compiles and
executes on these machines using a class account.
The projects may also require
use of provided code that may only be given in alpha binary form.
You can use either C or C++ for your project. Files must be named as
follows ...
Language | Type | Allowed Extensions |
C or C++ | Headers | .h |
C | Source | .c |
C++ | Source | .C,.cc,.cpp |
You must have a makefile for your program even in the case of
single file submission.
The default target (used when make is invoked without an argument)
must build all executables from the source files.
For instance, for project 1,
the filename of the executable should be "client"
(i.e. this name should appear in -o option of your final linking command in
In general,
you can optionally create a README file to comment on anything pertinent
to someone trying to run/grade your project. For some projects, the
README file will be required>.
For projects that require it, use script to produce a record of interactively
demonstrating your project. When script is used without an argument, a new
shell is opened, and all output is recorded in a file names "typescript" until
the exit command
When you are ready to submit it for grading, you must ...
- Create a gzip compressed .tar file containing all the source files
needed to compile your project. Do not add .o files, executables, or
core files to the .tar file. For example, if your project
(with Makefile, .cc and .h files and README) resides in a directory named
p1 in your home directory, this must be done by:
% cd ~/p1
% gtar cvzf p1.tar.gz Makefile *.cc *.h README
If for some reason you cannot run the commands above and decide to use
another method, you must inform the TA and the instructor through
e-mail as soon as you submit your project.
It is recommended that you extract the .tar.gz file you created to
a tmp directory somewhere else, and try compiling and running your
code there. This will provide some assurance that your project
submission will work at grading time.
- To submit the .tar.gz file you created, use the submit executable in
the TA's class account home directory. The syntax is
"<path>/submit <proj_num> <tar_file>".
Project numbers start from 1. Be sure to use the correct project
number or your submission may not be noticed. For the running example,
the following commands would be used:
% ~lg41702/pub/submit 1 p1.tar.gz
The submit program can be used multiple times for a given project. A
later submission will overwrite the previous submission.