You can find the solution to the fifth assignment now in the
assignments page.
Sat 11 May 21:20 — Hamed
You can find the solution to the fourth assignment now in the
assignments page. Also, notice that the fifth assignment is due in less than two weeks, so start working on it immediately. The TA office hours on Thursdays is also moved to Iribe 1108.
Wed 1 May 09:23 — Hamed
The fifth assignment is now available in the
assignments page.
Tue 30 Apr 12:04 — Hamed
You can find the solution to the third assignment in the
assignments page.
Mon 15 Apr 13:00 — Hamed
The fourth assigment is uploaded. You can find it in the
assignments page.
Thu 11 Apr 14:07 — Hamed
The third assigment is uploaded. You can find it in the
assignments page.
Tue 26 Mar 13:34 — Hamed
The solution for the second assigment is accessible now in the
assignments page.
Mon 18 Mar 15:36 — Hamed
As of today, the TA office hours will be held in room #1120.
Thu 14 Mar 11:13 — Hamed
The mid-term exam date is Thu March 28.
Thu 28 Feb 15:29 — Hamed
The second assigment is uploaded. You can find it in the
assignments page.
Tue 26 Feb 21:05 — Hamed
The solution for the first assigment is accessible now in the
assignments page.
Tue 26 Feb 12:47 — Hamed
The first assigment is uploaded. You can find it in the
assignments page.
Wed 6 Feb 07:22 — Hamed
course agenda is now available.
Mon 28 Jan 00:24 — Hamed
Welcome to CMSC351H - Introduction to Algorithms. We communicate with you through this website. Make
sure to check it regularly.
Sat 8 Dec 17:34 — Hamed