This course has a significantly large and exciting
project. Students will examine the practical issues surrounding the
complex problem of software testing. Students will work in small teams
to develop models for automated test generation, develop test oracles,
evaluate the coverage of test cases, seed artificial faults, and develop
coverage and fault matrices. They will study the practical limitations of
exhaustive testing and evaluate published test sampling techniques. They
will work with non-trivial open-source software and customize their own
test harnesses. They will learn, from experience, about the importance
of continuous build, integration, and functional regression testing.
For the first few phases, the class will be divided into the following teams.
iPhoneGUITAR |
AndroidGUITAR |
Rose Kirby |
Hyunjong Cho |
Youndo Lee |
William Goh |
Arun Balasubramanian |
Ramakrishna Padmanabhan |
Weiqing Wu |
Bryan Ta |
Chris Hill |
Jinseong Jeon |
Abdul Quamar |
Wikum Dinalankara |
Rongjian Lan |
Ali Sistani |
Ashwin Kumar |
Hua He |
Noseong Park |
Jayanta Mondal |
Yulu Wang |
All teams share the fundamental steps of the project. The only difference
is that each team will work on a specific platform. For example, the
iPhoneGUITAR team will develop a test harness (prototype provided)
for the iPhone platform and use that harness to test open-source apps
developed for the iPhone. The JFCGUITAR and SWTGUITAR teams follow a slightly modified schedule to accommodate the different nature of their tasks.
- Phase 1; due date: Sep. 7, 2011.
- Goal: Downloading, building (from source), and running the
JFCGUITAR test harness on a simple "Hello World" input. Setting up a
Jenkins job to do the same automatically on a new slave machine.
- Procedure: Consult the main
GUITAR page for instructions on how to download, build, and execute
the JFCGUITAR test harness.
- Deliverables: Running Jenkins job. Points will also be
awarded for the demo.
- Grading session: During the grading session, you will have
access to a new machine (Windows or Linux) that is connected to the
Internet. You will have to download, build, and execute the test harness
on the input. You will also need to install Ant, Subversion, Java,
C++, and any other tools needed to build and run the harness. Your
Jenkins job will be run and tested. It should be able to handle a
newly installed slave, i.e., your Jenkins job should check the slave
for necessary software and, if needed, install it automatically.
- Points: 10.
- Phase 2; due date: Oct. 7, 2011.
- due date for SWTGUITAR and JFCGUITAR: Sep. 14, 2011.
- Goal:Enhancing and integrating your team's test harness
into the GUITAR framework. Implementing a "Hello World" example
application. Updating wiki for harness. Adding Jenkins jobs to
regression test harness on "Hello World".
- Procedure:A prototype test harness is provided to each
team. You will work closely with the course instructor to enhance this
prototype and integrate it into the core GUITAR framework.
- Deliverables:The complete integrated test harness that is
capable of implementing the entire GUITAR workflow.
- Grading session:During the grading session, your Jenkins
job will be executed. It will have access to a new slave machine (Windows
or Linux) that is connected to the Internet. The job will have to
download (from the main GUITAR subversion
repository), build, and execute your test harness on a "Hello World"
example test application that you will implement.
- Points:200.
- Points for SWTGUITAR and JFCGUITAR:20.
- Phase 3; due date: Oct. 22, 2011.
- due date for SWTGUITAR and JFCGUITAR: Oct. 14, 2011.
- Goal:Selecting test applications, seeding faults, executing
the GUITAR "default" workflow on the applications, obtaining coverage
and fault matrices. Adding Jenkins jobs to regression test harness on
new test applications.
- Procedure:Select your test applications and get them approved
by the instructor. In general, the applications should be open-source,
popular, and contain
a non-trivial number of lines of code.
- Deliverables:Scripts and programs to automate the entire 'fault seeding to matrices' workflow.
- Grading session:Using your own fully automatic script.
- Points:100.
- Points for SWTGUITAR and JFCGUITAR:170.
- Phase 4; due date: Nov. 7, 2011.
- due date for SWTGUITAR and JFCGUITAR: Nov. 14, 2011.
- Goal:Implementing custom widget and event code for the
test applications, executing the GUITAR "custom" workflow on the
applications, obtaining coverage and fault matrices. Updating Jenkins
jobs to regression test harness on test applications with custom widget
and event code.
- Points:100.
- Points for SWTGUITAR and JFCGUITAR:200.
- Phase 5; due date: Nov. 22, 2011.
- due date for SWTGUITAR and JFCGUITAR: Dec. 7, 2011.
- Goal:Enhancing the test cases with data to improve code
coverage, adding more initial states for the applications, executing the GUITAR "custom" workflow on the applications,
obtaining coverage and fault matrices. Only dead code should be left
untested. Updating Jenkins jobs to use new data in test cases.
- Points:100.
- Points for SWTGUITAR and JFCGUITAR:200.
- Phase 6; due date: Dec. 7, 2011.
- Goal:Finally packaging the team's test harness. Conducting a
small experiment to study test suite reduction, minimization, and
- Points:90.