Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), comprising of tiny, radio-enabled,
multi-function sensor nodes, are becoming ubiquitous, thanks to rapidly
decreasing hardware costs and advances in miniaturization technology. They open
up opportunities to monitor the physical world around us at an unprecedented
detail, and have applications in a wide range of domains starting from military
applications such as battlefield surveillance to scientific applications such as
habitat monitoring. Wireless sensor nodes are typically battery-powered, and in
most cases it is not feasible to change the batteries post-deployment, making
judicious use of the battery power of paramount importance.
Our research in this area spans several problems related to energy efficiency in wireless sensor
networks, including target monitoring, model-driven data acquisition, in-network query processing,
and lossless and lossy data compression.
- Algorithms for the Thermal Scheduling Problem;
Koyel Mukherjee, Samir Khuller, and Amol Deshpande;
IPDPS 2013.
[abstract] The energy costs for cooling a data center constitute a significant portion of the overall running costs. Thermal imbalance and hot spots that arise due to imbalanced workloads lead to significant wasted cooling effort -- in order to ensure that no equipment is operating above a certain temperature, the data center may be cooled more than necessary. Therefore it is desirable to schedule the workload in a data center in a "thermally aware" manner, assigning jobs to machines not just based on local load of the machines, but based on the overall thermal profile of the data center. This is challenging because of the spatial cross-interference between machines, where a job assigned to a machine may impact not only that machine's temperature, but also nearby machines. Here, we continue formal analysis of the "thermal scheduling" problem that we initiated recently. There we introduced the notion of "effective load of a machine" which is a function of the local load on the machine as well as the load on nearby machines, and presented optimal scheduling policies for a simple model (where cross-effects are restricted within a rack) under the assumption that jobs can be split among different machines. Here we consider the more realistic problem of "integral" assignment of jobs, and allow for cross-interference among different machines in adjacent racks in the data center. The integral assignment problem with cross-interference is NP-hard, even for a simple two machine model. We consider three different heat flow models, and give constant factor approximation algorithms for maximizing the number (or total profit) of jobs assigned in each model, without violating thermal constraints. We also consider the problem of minimizing the maximum temperature on any machine when all jobs need to be assigned, and give constant factor algorithms for this problem.
- Saving on Cooling: The Thermal Scheduling Problem;
Koyel Mukherjee, Samir Khuller, and Amol Deshpande;
SIGMETRICS 2012 (Short paper).
[abstract] In this abstract we define some very basic scheduling problems motivated by increasing power density and consequent cooling considerations in data centers and multi-core chips.
- Energy Efficient Monitoring in Sensor Networks;
Amol Deshpande and Samir Khuller and Azarakhsh Malekian and Mohammed Toossi;
Algorithmica, Volume 59, Number 1, 94-114, 2011.
[abstract] We study a set of problems related to efficient battery energy utilization for monitoring applications in a wireless sensor network with the goal to increase the sensor network lifetime. We study several generalizations of a basic problem called Set k-Cover. The problem can be described as follows: we are given a set of sensors, and a set of targets to be monitored. Each target can be monitored by a subset of the sensors. To increase the lifetime of the sensor network, we would like to partition the sensors into k sets (or time-slots), and activate each set of sensors in a different time-slot, thus extending the battery life of the sensors by a factor of k. The goal is to find a partitioning that maximizes the total coverage of the targets for a given k. This problem is known to be NP-hard. We develop an improved approximation algorithm for this problem using a reduction to Max k-Cut. Moreover, we are able to demonstrate that this algorithm is efficient, and yields almost optimal solutions in practice. We also consider generalizations of this problem in several different directions. First, we allow each sensor to be active in α different sets (time-slots). This means that the battery life is extended by a factor of k/alpha, and allows for a richer space of solutions. We also consider different coverage requirements, such as requiring that all targets, or at least a certain number of targets, be covered in each time slot. In the Set k-Cover formulation, there is no requirement that a target be monitored at all, or in any number of time slots. We develop a randomized rounding algorithm for this problem. We also consider extensions where each sensor can monitor only a bounded number of targets in any time-slot, and not all the targets adjacent to it. This kind of problem may arise when a sensor has a directional camera, or some other physical constraint might prevent it from monitoring all adjacent targets even when it is active. We develop the first approximation algorithms for this problem.
- On Computing Compression Trees for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks;
Jian Li, Amol Deshpande, and Samir Khuller;
INFOCOM 2010 (also CoRR Technical Report arXiv:0907.5442).
[abstract] We address the problem of efficiently gathering correlated data from a wired or a wireless sensor network, with the aim of designing algorithms with provable optimality guarantees, and understanding how close we can get to the known theoretical lower bounds. Our proposed approach is based on finding an optimal or a near-optimal "compression tree" for a given sensor network: a compression tree is a directed tree over the sensor network nodes such that the value of a node is compressed using the value of its parent. We consider this problem under different communication models, including the "broadcast communication" model that enables many new opportunities for energy-efficient data collection. We draw connections between the data collection problem and a previously studied graph concept, called "weakly connected dominating sets", and we use this to develop novel approximation algorithms for the problem. We present comparative results on several synthetic and real-world datasets showing that our algorithms construct near-optimal compression trees that yield a significant reduction in the data collection cost.
- Energy Efficient Monitoring in Sensor Networks;
Amol Deshpande and Samir Khuller and Azarakhsh Malekian and Mohammed Toossi;
LATIN 2008.
[abstract] In this paper we study a set of problems related to efficient energy management for monitoring applications in wireless sensor networks. We study several generalizations of a basic problem called Set "k"-Cover. The problem can be described as follows: we are given a set of sensors, and a set of regions to be monitored. Each region can be monitored by a subset of sensors. The goal is to partition the sensors into "k" sets (or time-slots), so that by activating the set of sensors in a time-slot, we can maximize coverage of the regions. By activating each sensor in only one of the "k" time slots, we decrease its battery consumption and extend its battery life significantly (by a factor of k). This problem is known to be NP-hard. Our goal is to develop improved approximation algorithms for this problem. Moreover, we are able to demonstrate that this algorithm is practical, and yields almost optimal solutions in practice.
We also consider generalizations of this problem in several different directions. First, we allow each sensor to be active in alpha different sets (time-slots). This means that the battery life is extended by a factor of k/alpha, and allows for a richer space of solutions. We also consider different coverage requirements, such as requiring that the regions be covered in each time slot, or a certain number of regions be monitored in each time slot. In the Set k-Cover formulation, there is no requirement that a region be monitored at all, or in any number of time slots. We develop a randomized rounding algorithm for this problem.
We also consider extensions where each sensor can monitor only a bounded number of regions, and not all the regions adjacent to it. This kind of problem may arise when a sensor has a directional camera, or some other physical constraint might prevent it from monitoring all adjacent regions even when it is active. We develop the first approximation algorithms for this problem.
- Predictive Modeling-based Data Collection in Sensor Networks;
Lidan Wang and Amol Deshpande;
EWSN 2008.
[abstract] We address the problem of designing practical, energy-efficient protocols for data collection in wireless sensor networks using predictive modeling. Prior work has suggested several approaches to capture and exploit the rich spatio-temporal correlations prevalent in WSNs during data collection. Although shown to be effective in reducing the data collection cost, those approaches use simplistic corelation models and further, ignore many idiosyncrasies of WSNs, in particular the broadcast nature of communication. Our proposed approach is based on approximating the joint probability distribution over the sensors using "undirected graphical models", ideally suited to exploit both the spatial correlations and the broadcast nature of communication. We present algorithms for optimally using such a model for data collection under different communication models, and for identifying an appropriate model to use for a given sensor network. Experiments over synthetic and real-world datasets show that our approach significantly reduces the data collection cost.
- Online Filtering, Smoothing and Probabilistic Modeling of Streaming data;
Bhargav Kanagal, Amol Deshpande;
ICDE 2008.
[abstract] In this paper, we address the problem of extending a relational database system to facilitate efficient real-time application of dynamic probabilistic models to streaming data. We use the recently proposed abstraction of model-based views for this purpose, by allowing users to declaratively specify the model to be applied, and by presenting the output of the models to the user as a probabilistic database view. We support declarative querying over such views using an extended version of SQL that allows for querying probabilistic data. Underneath we use particle filters, a class of sequential Monte Carlo algorithms, to represent the present and historical states of the model as sets of weighted samples (particles) that are kept up-to-date as new data arrives. We develop novel techniques to convert the queries on the model-based view directly into queries over particle tables, enabling highly efficient query processing. Finally, we present experimental evaluation of our prototype implementation over several synthetic and real datasets, that demonstrates the feasibility of online modeling of streaming data using our system and establishes the advantages of tight integration between dynamic probabilistic models and databases.
- Model-based Querying in Sensor Networks;
Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Samuel Madden;
Chapter in Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Ling Liu and M. Tamer Ozsu, ed. 2009..
- Data Compression in Sensor Networks;
Amol Deshpande;
Chapter in Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Ling Liu and M. Tamer Ozsu, ed. 2009..
- Data Management in the Worldwide Sensor Web;
Magdalena Balazinska, Amol Deshpande, Michael Franklin, Phil Gibbons, Jim Gray, Mark Hansen, Michael Liebhold, Suman Nath, Alex Szalay, and Vincent Tao;
IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume 6(2), 2007.
[abstract] Harvesting the benefits of a sensor-rich world presents many data management challenges. Recent advances in research and industry aim to address these challenges.
- A Graph-Based Approach to Vehicle Tracking in Traffic Camera Video Streams;
Hamid Haidarian Shahri, Galileo Mark Namata, Saket Navlakha, Amol Deshpande, and Nick Roussopoulos;
The 4th International VLDB Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN), 2007.
- Approximate Data Collection in Sensor Networks using Probabilistic Models;
David Chu, Amol Deshpande, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong;
ICDE 2006.
[abstract] Wireless sensor networks are proving to be useful in a variety of settings. A core challenge in these networks is to minimize energy consumption. Prior database research has proposed to achieve this by pushing data-reducing operators like aggregation and selection down into the network. This approach has proven unpopular with early adopters of sensor network technology, who typically want to extract complete "dumps" of the sensor readings, i.e., to run "SELECT *" queries. Unfortunately, because these queries do no data reduction, they consume significant energy in current sensornet query processors.
In this paper we attack the "SELECT *" problem for sensor networks. We propose a robust approximate technique called "Ken" that uses "replicated dynamic probabilistic models" to minimize communication from sensor nodes to the network's PC base station. In addition to data collection, we show that Ken is well suited to anomaly- and event-detection applications.
A key challenge in this work is to intelligently exploit spatial correlations "across" sensor nodes without imposing undue sensor-to-sensor communication burdens to maintain the models. Using traces from two real-world sensor network deployments, we demonstrate that relatively simple models can provide significant communication (and hence energy) savings without undue sacrifice in result quality or frequency. Choosing optimally among even our simple models is NP-hard, but our experiments show that a greedy heuristic performs nearly as well as an exhaustive algorithm.
- Model-based Approximate Querying in Sensor Networks;
Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Sam Madden, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong;
International Journal on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB Journal), 2005.
[abstract] Declarative queries are proving to be an attractive paradigm for interacting with networks of wireless sensors. The metaphor that "the sensornet is a database" is problematic, however, because sensors do not exhaustively represent the data in the real world. In order to map the raw sensor readings onto physical reality, a "model" of that reality is required to complement the readings. In this article, we enrich interactive sensor querying with statistical modeling techniques. We demonstrate that such models can help provide answers that are both more meaningful, and, by introducing approximations with probabilistic confidences, significantly more efficient to compute in both time and energy. Utilizing the combination of a model and live data acquisition raises the challenging optimization problem of selecting the best sensor readings to acquire, balancing the increase in the confidence of our answer against the communication and data acquisition costs in the network. We describe an exponential time algorithm for finding the optimal solution to this optimization problem, and a polynomial-time heuristic for identifying solutions that perform well in practice. We evaluate our approach on several real-world sensor-network data sets, taking into account the real measured data and communication quality, demonstrating that our model-based approach provides a high-fidelity representation of the real phenomena and leads to significant performance gains versus traditional data acquisition techniques.
- Resource-Aware Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks;
Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Sam Madden;
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin March 2005.
[abstract] Innovations in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have dramatically expanded the applicability of control technology in day-to-day life, by enabling the cost-effective deployment of large scale sensor-actuator systems. In this paper, we discuss the issues and challenges involved in deploying control-oriented applications over unreliable, resource-constrained WSNs, and describe the design of our planned Sensor Control System (SCS) that can enable the rapid development and deployment of such applications.
- Model-Driven Data Acquisition in Sensor Networks;
Amol Deshpande, Carlos Guestrin, Sam Madden, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong;
VLDB 2004.
[abstract] Declarative queries are proving to be an attractive paradigm for interacting with networks of wireless sensors. The metaphor that "the sensornet is a database" is problematic, however, because sensors do not exhaustively represent the data in the real world. In order to map the raw sensor readings onto physical reality, a "model" of that reality is required to complement the readings. In this paper, we enrich interactive sensor querying with statistical modeling techniques. We demonstrate that such models can help provide answers that are both more meaningful, and, by introducing approximations with probabilistic confidences, significantly more efficient to compute in both time and energy. Utilizing the combination of a model and live data acquisition raises the challenging optimization problem of selecting the best sensor readings to acquire, balancing the increase in the confidence of our answer against the communication and data acquisition costs in the network. We describe an exponential time algorithm for finding the optimal solution to this optimization problem, and a polynomial-time heuristic for identifying solutions that perform well in practice. We evaluate our approach on several real-world sensor-network data sets, taking into account the real measured data and communication quality, demonstrating that our model-based approach provides a high-fidelity representation of the real phenomena and leads to significant performance gains versus traditional data acquisition techniques.
- Cache-and-Query for Wide Area Sensor Databases;
Amol Deshpande, Suman Nath, Phil Gibbons, Srini Seshan;
SIGMOD 2003.
[abstract] Webcams, microphones, pressure gauges and other sensors provide exciting new opportunities for querying and monitoring the physical world. In this paper we focus on querying wide area sensor databases, containing (XML) data derived from sensors spread over tens to thousands of miles. We present the first scalable system for executing XPATH queries on such databases. The system maintains the logical view of the data as a single XML document, while physically the data is fragmented across any number of host nodes. For scalability, sensor data is stored close to the sensors, but can be cached elsewhere as dictated by the queries. Our design enables self-starting distributed queries that jump directly to the lowest common ancestor of the query result, dramatically reducing query response times. We present a novel query-evaluategather technique (using XSLT) for detecting (1) which data in a local database fragment is part of the query result, and (2) how to gather the missing parts. We define partitioning and cache invariants that ensure that even partial matches on cached data are exploited and that correct answers are returned, despite our dynamic query-driven caching. Experimental results demonstrate that our techniques dramatically increase query throughputs and decrease query response times in wide area sensor databases.
This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.