
  • Reviewer: SoCG 2020, SODA 2019, ICRA 2019, SoCG 2018, ICRA 2018, HPG 2018, CASE 2018, CCCG 2018, RED-UAS 2017, COCOON 2017.
  • Served on the department's Education Committee in 2014. Most notably, I contributed to the discussions on revising Ph.D. degree requirements to help students focus on research earlier in the program.
  • Before UMD: AlexU, Egypt.
    • Coached the university's team to the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) in 2012 and 2013. I competed myself in 2011, which was the first time AlexU made it to the ICPC World Finals.
    • Served on the board of the local ACM Student Chapter between 2006-2008.

Volunteering Work

Old Talks


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