On Apr 21, 2004, at 8:30 PM, Jerry Schwarz wrote:
> At 12:02 PM 4/21/2004, Bill Pugh wrote:
> OK, here is a class that implements keepAlive:
> public class FinalizerHelp {
> static volatile Object v;
> public static void keepAlive(Object o) {
> v = o;
> v = null;
> }
> public static void getReadyToFinalize() {
> Object o = v;
> }
> }
> Take Hans'es example and add a call to keepAlive.
> for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
> sum += x.a[i];
> }
> FinalizerHelp.keepAlive(a)
> ===
> I don't think this has the desired effect. The compiler first moves
> the reference to x outside the loop and inlines keepAlive to
> v = o;
> v = null;
> Then it eliminates v=o.
Nope. This isn't allowed.
The semantics we introduced to make finalizer guardians work ensures
if a reachable variable contains a reference to an object, that object
is also reachable,
even if that field is never read.
Now it occurs to me that perhaps this is too strong a requirement, and
it will prevent some useful optimizations.
I don't see a problem with keeping compilers from eliminating stores to
volatile fields, but eliminating overwritten
stores to non-volatile fields is something we might want to allow.
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