JavaMemoryModel: Thanks for the notes of concern, but I don't have a virus

From: Bill Pugh (
Date: Tue Feb 17 2004 - 15:45:20 EST

Thanks for all the notes of concern, but in fact I don't have a
computer virus (I don't do Windows).

Unfortunately, the viruses on the loose these days fake the From
address. So presumably someone who receives the JMM mailing list got
infected with a virus, and it sent email to the list, faking my email
address as the from address.

So our strategy of allowing only people subscribed to the list to
post to the list isn't bullet-proof against viruses.

If anyone has any good suggestions on how to tighten things up, let me know.

And everyone who has the misfortune of running Windows, please
remember to practice good virus hygiene.

JavaMemoryModel mailing list -

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