The main argument here is to provide a simple programming model - sequential
consistency for data-race-free programs.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Hudson, Rick
> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 10:01 AM
> To: Jeremy Manson;
> Subject: RE: JavaMemoryModel: Total orders
> The other side of the argument was that allowing the ordering
> below broke no known useful code sequences or algorithms and
> restrictions on future implementations should be a consideration.
> - Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Jeremy Manson
> Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: JavaMemoryModel: Total orders
> > OK, but then I'm left with the question of whether or not
> the non-existence
> > of a total order could be visible to the program. If it
> cannot, then why is
> > a total order stated to exist? On the other hand, if a lack
> of total order
> > has detectable consequences, then my objection stands, even
> though my
> > example doesn't.
> I mentioned before that, for volatiles, there is only a happens-before
> edge between a volatile write and subsequent volatile reads
> of the same
> variable. We have the informal requirement, however, that
> all accesses to
> volatiles be sequentially consistent.
> So consider the following code, with volatile v and w:
> Thread 1:
> v = 1;
> Thread 2
> w = 1;
> Thread 3
> r1 = v;
> r2 = w;
> Thread 4
> r3 = w;
> r4 = v;
> If we only have happens-before, we can get r1 == r3 == 1, but r2 ==
> r4 == 0. This is not a legal SC result. With a total order over
> synchronization actions, and the requirement that all volatile reads
> see the last write in the synchronization order, this cannot happen.
> That requirement for volatile reads, by the way, is at the
> end of Section
> 7.2.1, and admittedly doesn't jump out at the reader.
> Perhaps it should
> be moved to a more prominent place?
> Enforcing SC for volatiles may have an impact on
> implementations, but we
> asked around quite a bit, and (to the best of my
> recollection) no one gave
> us a practical argument against it on any multiprocessor in use.
> We could conceivably get the same behavior by saying that
> there is a total
> order over volatile operations but not locks. I don't think this is
> actually semantically different.
> It also makes our lives easier when doing proofs, but that's
> probably not
> as compelling to people who are not Bill and me.
> Jeremy
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