Re: JavaMemoryModel: Roach motel volatile ordering and the optimistic readers trans

From: Doug Lea (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 21:31:35 EDT

I'd like to cast a strong concurring opinion about "Roach Motel"
volatiles. Of the options we've discussed over the years, this seems
to be best pragmatically. It gives non-experts, experts, and compiler
writers more of what they want than does any other proposed rule:

* It is strong enough to allow simple "fixes" of common errors
  like declaring double-checked refs volatile. (Although as David
  Holmes hinted, there are sure to be a few odd cases broken in odd ways,
  which need more than this fix.)

* It is weak enough that core library classes etc can contain
  code competitive with that in any language to avoid known
  synchronization overhead or contention. Very few of us write such
  code, but nearly all users will benefit from this. For example, as
  Bill mentioned, it looks like a lightly-synchronized version of
  java.util.Hashtable I put together relying on these volatile
  semantics (that is otherwise plug compatible with previous versions)
  noticeably improves overall specJVM figures on sparcs. There are
  several other heavily used classes that could get similar
  performance improvements.

* It is sufficiently expressive so that people can build various
  other flavors of barriers out of volatile reads and writes, but the
  converse using stronger rules wouldn't work of course. While the
  possible reorderings can be confusing (as in Rob Strom's example,
  which also had me confused for a while), they aren't any different
  than for locks. They just LOOK very different.

* We have yet to see a desirable compiler optimization that is
  disabled by this rule. Acquire-release memory consistency
  models in general are better understood than others, and seem
  not to present optimization problems in other contexts.


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