Once again, please correct me if I get any of this wrong:
The release/acquire semantics of volatiles and locks imposed the
following orderings between volatile and monitor actions
volatile read, followed by anything
monitor enter, followed by anything
anything followed by a volatile write
anything followed by a monitor exit
In other words, all volatile/monitor pairs except for:
volatile write followed by a monitor enter
monitor exit followed by a monitor enter
volatile write followed by a volatile read
monitor exit followed by a volatile read
You can get deadlock if you allow the following re-orderings:
volatile write followed by a monitor enter
monitor exit followed by a monitor enter
I think it should also be possible to implement Dekker's (sp?)
algorithm using volatiles. That prohibits reordering:
volatile write followed by a volatile read
We haven't yet seen any examples where you get into trouble by
allowing the reordering of:
monitor exit followed by a volatile read
However, to keep the semantics symmetric, I think we should prohibit
any _observable_ reordering of a monitor exit followed by a volatile
This translates into a requirement that all lock and volatile actions
should observe a sequentially consistent order (or possibly a
processor ordering).
One issue still being considered is whether the ordering should be SC
(sequentially consistent) or PO (processor ordering).
At 7:33 AM -0800 11/21/00, Hudson, Rick wrote:
>The difference of interest between SC and PO is that if two processors
>perform multiple writes then all processors will observe the writes of each
>of these processors in the order written (just as with SC) but the
>interleaving of the writes may appear different to different processors.
Note that it is impossible to observe the difference between SC and
PO in any scenario involving only two threads/processors. You can
only see the difference in scenarios involving three or more
processors, at least two of whom are writing.
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