Re: JavaMemoryModel: volatile arrays

From: Paul Haahr (
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 18:48:39 EST

Doug's code was:

  class VolatileArray {
    private volatile int[] data;
    public VolatileArray(int cap) { data = new int[cap]; }

    public int get(int i) {
      int[] d = data;
      return d[i];

    public void set(int i, int value) {
      int[] d = data;
      synchronized(d) { d[i] = value; }

Bill wrote:
> Under my proposal, this would be a data race. The fact that the
> thread doing the writing does a sync is only visible to other threads
> doing a sync on the same object.

That makes sense. But I think, under your proposal, Doug could get his
memory barrier with the hackish idiom:

    public void set(int i, int value) {
      int[] d = data;
      d[i] = value;
      data = d;

This contains the cost of an extra write, I believe, which is probably
lower than the cost of the synchronization operation.

In fact, if we're just using the volatile variables to get at memory
barriers, something along the lines of:

  class VolatileArray {
    private final int[] data;
    private volatile int macguffin = 0;
    public VolatileArray(int cap) { data = new int[cap]; }
    public int get(int i) {
      return data[i + macguffin];
    public void set(int i, int value) {
      data[i] = value;
      macguffin = 0;

would probably have to work. It makes get() a little more expensive,
but eliminates the need for a read barrier in set(). Even compilers
which detected that the macguffin variable was unused would need to
preserve the memory barriers.

I need to go shower now.

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