Re: JavaMemoryModel: Problem with Thread.sleep

Date: Tue Oct 26 1999 - 23:51:22 EDT


>class SinCacheEntry {
> final Float key;
> final Float value;

>class SinAlgo {
> final SinCacheEntry cache[] = new SinCacheEntry[CACHE_SIZE];
> public Float doit(Float key) {
> Float answer;
> {
> // our single allowed load.
> SinCacheEntry sce = this.cache[key.hashCode() % this.cache.length];
> if (sce != null) {
> if (sce.key.equals(key)) return sce.value;
> }
> }
>Assuming that sin_impl is thread safe, I'm willing to say that the method
>doit should also be thread safe (at least under some reasonably safe
>model). This is without any synchronization at all.
>Are my assumptions reasonable? I'm working with cases that must remain
>atomic with no synchronization.

>- Sean
As far as I understand, a weak synchronization model would
not guarantee that a thread that sees the updated value
of sce.key will necessarily see the updated value of
sce.value; it may see the default value. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Rob Strom

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