[Overview |
Schedule | Participants |
How To Apply | Logistics
| Panel Discussions | Program Outreach
| Resources]
Below are links to resources related to the workshop themes.
WAMRL Keynote Address, T. Kolda and D. O'Leary. (PDF)
Data from presentation:
Tenured and tenure-track faculty at the top 20 applied mathematics programs (PDF)
Number of doctorates granted (PDF)
Statistics on European Women in Mathematics:
Report of the Task Force on the Status of Women Faculty in the Natural
Sciences and Engineering at Princeton,
September 29, 2003
"Why are there so few women in science?", Nancy J. Lane, 9 September 1999
"Why are There so Few Female Computer Scientists?", Ellen Spertus, 1991
A Study on the Status of Women Faculty in Science at MIT, 1999
Last updated 10-23-2003.
[Overview |
Schedule | Participants | How To
Apply | Logistics
| Panel Discussions | Program Outreach
| Resources]
Questions? tgkolda@sandia.gov or