Kathleen Hoffman and Sue Minkoff
We propose to help foster support and information networks
for women mathematicians on a local level -- for female undergraduate and
graduate mathematics students at UMBC and a third for junior women faculty at
schools in the Baltimore/Washington area. At the student level, we will
organize two separate lunches (one for undergrads and a second for graduate
students) designed to allow the students to meet each other (a vital tool in
the retention of mathematics majors) as well as to introduce the students to
opportunities on campus and in professional organizations which they may not
have been aware of previously -- summer internships, undergraduate research
programs, Women in Science and Engineering support groups, the American Women
in Mathematics, SIAM, AMS, MAA, etc. At the faculty level, we will organize a
dinner with the aim of introducing the women math and statistics faculty from
area research universities to each other -- a first step towards forming a
local support network for women mathematicians. The success of these activities
will primarily be based on surveying participating students at the end of the
school year to determine whether they received information that allowed them to
participate in or apply to activities about which they had not previously