Home Contact

Atif Memon's Home Page

Office Location: 4113 A.V.Williams Building; Phone: +1-301-405-3071

Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.

Current Projects
Vetting Android Applications for Security Using Graphical User Interface Logic (funded by DARPA)
COMET - Community Event-based Testing (funded by NSF)
Algorithms and Software for the Assembly of Metagenomic Data (funded by NIH)
Research in Science and Public Policy for the U.S. National Security Agency (funded by NSA)
EDU: Competing to Build Secure Systems (funded by NSF)
GUITAR - GUI Testing Framework (funded by NSF)

I consider research to be an important part of the overall experience of being an undergraduate student at Maryland. Over the years, I have advised the following students in research:



Atif M Memon 2014-06-29