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Automated  Planning
University of Maryland

Here are the downloads that are available:

  1. SHOP2 version 1.2;

  2. SHOP2 domain descriptions for most of the planning domains in the 2002 International Planning Competition;

  3. JSHOP version 1.0.1;

  4. SHOP version 1.6.2 and M-SHOP version 1.1.2 – these are superseded by SHOP2, but you can still download them.

This software is Copyright (C) 2002 and 2003, University of Maryland. This software is distributed under an MPL/GPL/LGPL triple license, on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. For details, see the files in the software distribution.

System requirements:

  • To run SHOP, M-SHOP, and SHOP2, you will need to have Common Lisp installed on your computer.
  • To run JSHOP, you will need to have Java 2 (JDK 1.2 or greater) installed on your computer.

We would appreciate having your name and email address, so that we can see how many people are interested in our software. We will not distribute your name or email address to others.


Email Address:

We have a very-low-volume mailing list to inform people about version upgrades and related information. Please indicate whether or not you wish to be included on this mailing list:
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