Id: | university-ont |
Version: | 1.0 |
Description: | This ontology defines elements for describing universities and the activities that occur at them. It includes concepts such as departments, faculty, students, courses, research, and publications. Please send any comments or suggestions to the contact listed below. This is a draft ontology and may change at any time. |
Contact: | Jeff Heflin ( |
Revision Date: | 05 Apr 2000 |
This ontology is declared in this document both in human-readable form (what you see in front of you now) and machine-readable SHOE form (which you can see from viewing the html source of this document). The rest of this document is divided into the following sections:
The following ontologies are extended by the current ontology:
An ontology may rename elements from another ontology in order to provide a shortcut for referencing that element or to provide an alternate term for it.
Object Renamed From ================================================================ Article doc.Article Book doc.Book BookArticle doc.BookArticle ConferencePaper doc.ConferencePaper DoctoralThesis doc.DoctoralThesis Employee gen.Employee Journal doc.Journal JournalArticle doc.JournalArticle Magazine doc.Magazine MastersThesis doc.MastersThesis Organization gen.EducationOrganization Periodical doc.Periodical Person gen.Person Proceedings doc.Proceedings Publication doc.Publication Thesis doc.Thesis Work gen.Work WorkshopPaper doc.WorkshopPaper affiliateOf gen.affiliateOf affiliatedOrganization gen.affiliatedOrganization alumnus gen.alumnus containedIn doc.containedIn emailAddress gen.emailAddress head gen.head member gen.member name publicationAuthor publicationDate doc.publishDate publicationOrg doc.authorOrg publisher doc.publisher subOrganizationOf gen.subOrganizationOf subject doc.subject
The following taxonomy is the collection of categories declared in this ontology. The hierarchical form is intended to show the ISA chain. Categories in [Brackets] are not defined here but are defined in an ontology extended by this one. Elements in {Braces} are additional supercategories of the category immediately before them (signifying multiple inheritance). Categories followed by an asterisk are defined in another ontology but are provided with a local alias.
Person* Employee* Faculty Professor AssistantProfessor AssociateProfessor FullProfessor VisitingProfessor Lecturer PostDoc Assistant ResearchAssistant TeachingAssistant AdministrativeStaff Director Chair {Professor} Dean {Professor} ClericalStaff SystemsStaff Student UndergraduateStudent GraduateStudent Organization* EducationOrganization* Department Institute Program ResearchGroup School University Publication* Article* BookArticle* ConferencePaper* JournalArticle* WorkshopPaper* Book* Periodical* Journal* Magazine* Proceedings* Thesis* DoctoralThesis* MastersThesis* Work* Course Research [base.SHOEEntity] Schedule [gen.Event] Conference
Relationships are declared between one or more arguments, where each argument is either a type or a category. If the argument is a category, any subcategory of that category is valid as well. Relationships which have a local alias but are defined in another ontology are followed by an asterisk.
advisor(Student, Professor) affiliateOf(Organization, Person)* affiliatedOrganization(Organization, Organization)* alumnus(Organization, Person)* containedIn(Document, Document)* doctoralDegreeFrom(Person, University) emailAddress(Person, .STRING)* head(Organization, Person)* listedCourse(Schedule, Course) mastersDegreeFrom(Person, University) member(SocialGroup, Person)* name(base.SHOEEnity, .STRING)* offers(University, Course) publicationAuthor(Document, Person)* publicationDate(Document, .DATE)* publicationOrg(Document, Organization)* publicationResearch(Publication, Research) publisher(Document, Organization)* researchInterest(Person, Research) researchProject(ResearchGroup, Research) subOrganizationOf(Organization:"suborganization", Organization:"superorganization")* subject(Document, .SHOEEntity)* takesCourse(Student, Course) teacherOf(Faculty, Course) teachingAssistantOf(TeachingAssistant, Course) tenured(Professor, .TRUTH) undergraduateDegreeFrom(Person, University)
Constants are used to identify instances that may be commonly used with an ontology. In this section, each constant is grouped under its category.
No constants are defined.
Inference rules are used to determine what additional facts can be implied if other facts are known. They take the form of if/then rules.
No inference rules are defined.