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S  H  O  E :  Simple HTML Ontology Extensions

SHOE Base Ontology

Name: base-ontology
Version: 1.0

This ontology is declared in this document both in human-readable form (what you see in front of you now) and machine-readable SHOE form (which you can see from viewing the html source of this document) . This base ontology is compatible with version 1.0 of SHOE.

Declared Types

This ontology declares four basic types, listed below along with their description.

HTML String Literals, as defined in the HTML 2.0 specification.
Floating-point numerical constants. Knowledge-agents should be able to read common floating-point numbers like 2, 2.0, -1.432e+4, etc. Numbers may be of the form,
[+|-] ((digit+ ['.' digit+]) | ('.' digit+)) [((e|E)[+|-]digit+)]
This rather liberal form should be readable by the C scanf command if it is read as a float.
Date/Timestamps following RFC 1123, as shown in section 3.3.1 of the HTTP/1.0 specification.
HTML String Literals of the form YES or NO, case-insensitive.

ISA Hierarchy (Taxonomy)

The following taxonomy is the collection of categories declared in this ontology. The hierarchical form is intended to show the ISA chain.



The top level of all SHOE classifications. You should not subclass from Entity--usually you should subclass from SHOEEntity or one of its subclasses instead. Entity exists to give the base ontology some flexibility for later versions.
This should be the root (ancestor) category for all categories declared in SHOE ontologies (other than the Base Ontology). All categories are best hung off of SHOEEntity or a subcategory.


Relationships are declared between one or more arguments. Relationship arguments are either types or are categories. If the argument is a category, any subcategory of that category is valid as well.

Relation             Argument 1           Argument 2
description          Entity               STRING
name                 Entity               STRING


This is a human-readable description of a particular instance.
This is a human-readable name for a particular instance.

Note that STRING is used without a period (as in ".STRING") because this is the base ontology, where it is declared. In other ontologies you make, you should use the period or a full prefix chain to refer to it and other types, relations, and categories declared in the base ontology.

Web Accessibility