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4.1 Creating relations

What we've referred to up until now as ``sets'' and ``relations'' are implemented as a single class, Relation . Each relation is marked as being either a set or a relation. Most functions on relations don't care whether they operate on sets or relations, but some require either a set or a relation, and they will check.

We provide the following constructors for Relation s:

This is a default constructor for the class. Relations created this way are known as null relations and must be assigned a value before they can be used. This constructor is provided to allow the creation of arrays of relations.

Relation(int n_input, int n_output);
This constructor creates a relation with n_input input variables and n_output output variables. It can't be used in any functions yet, because it doesn't have a Presburger formula to describe which tuples it contains.

Relation(Non_Coercible<int> nci);
This constructor creates a set. In normal use, you should pass an int to this function to get a set with that many variables in its tuple. (The class Non_Coercible<int> is used as a C++ trick so that you couldn't, for example, pass an int to a function expecting a Relation , and have the compiler construct a Relation from it on the fly.)

Relation(const Relation &r, Conjunct *c)
This is used to create a relation by copying a conjunction of constraints c, from some other relation r. Conjuncts are created when a relation is simplified into disjunctive normal form and will be described in Chapter 5.

The input, output, or set variables can be given names:

void Relation::name_input_var(int nth, String s)
Set the name of the nth input variable to s .
void Relation::name_output_var(int nth, String s)
Set the name of the nth output variable to s .
void Relation::name_set_var(int nth, String s)
Set the name of the nth set variable to s .

If you don't name the variables yourself, each variable will get a name that depends on its position in the input or output tuple. If two variables in the same relation are given the same name, the print functions will add ``primes'' to one of them to distinguish them.

The following are some simple functions that extract information about a set or relation:

bool Relation::is_set()
Return true if the relation is a set, false if it is a relation.
int Relation::n_inp()
Find out how many variables are in a relation's input tuple.
int Relation::n_out()
Find out how many variables are in a relation's output tuple.
int Relation::n_set()
Find out how many variables are in a set's tuple.

Figure 4.1: Example, Part 1: Declaring Relations and Variables

The first six lines of Figure 4.1 show how the Relation constructors and some of the functions above are used to create the relations in our examples.

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