Pad++ - Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

This document contains a list of answers to common questions about Pad++ and Zoomable User Interfaces.

Questions about the Pad++ consortium

Questions about Pad++

Questions about the approach

Technical questions about Pad++

Technical questions about Tcl/Tk that Pad++ users have asked

Questions about the Pad++ consortium

Where did Pad++ come from?

Ken Perlin at New York University came up with the initial zoomable surface concept. He and David Fox implemented the first versions of Pad (described in the 1993 SIGGRAPH paper available here), which were the precursors to the current implementation, Pad++. Perlin and Fox's original work was supported in part originally by NYNEX, and then NSF.

Pad++ was designed by Ben Bederson and Jim Hollan while at Bellcore, and implemented by Ben Bederson. They both moved to the University of New Mexico where they developed the bulk of Pad++ in collaboration with Jon Meyer and Ken Perlin at NYU.

Now, Ben Bederson has moved to the University of Maryland, College Park where he is continuing responsibility for the further development of Pad++. Jim Hollan moved to the University of California, San Diego where he is building applications using Pad++.

Who is working on Pad++?

Pad++ research and development is supported in part by DARPA grant #N660011-94-C-6039. Work is being carried out at the University of Maryland, University of California, San Diego, and at the NYU Media Research Laboratory. Much of the initial work on Pad++ was done at the University of New Mexico.

Here are the links to folks currently working on Pad++:

And here are the folks who have worked on Pad++ in the past: