Overview of Item Types

HTML Anchors

The anchors are special Pad++ items of type "htmlanchor". They are automatically grouped with the HTML object. As such, they can not be deleted independently, and are automatically deleted when the html object they are associated with is deleted. Some anchors have multiple components (i.e., and image and some text). In this case, they all have the same URL, and changing the pen color of one component automatically changes the pen color of the other components.

Anchors may be configured with the itemconfigure command. The following options are supported for html anchors:

-html [27] The HTML item associated with an htmlanchor

-image [29] Image data associated with item

-ismap [31] True if an htmlanchor is an image map

-state [53] State of an item (such as visited, unvisited, etc.)

-url [63] The URL associated with an item

Pad++ Reference Manual - 20 JUN 1997

Copyright Computer Science Department, The University of New Mexico

Web Accessibility