Overview of Item Types

HTML Items

Items of type html are compound items representing the specified html file. (HTML is HyperText Markup Language. Based on SGML, HTML is most commonly known as the language describing items for the World-Wide Web.) HTML items know about the internet and will automatically fetch a file from a URL (Universal Resource Locator) as well as in-line images. URL's may also specify local files. When the html data is fetched, it is parsed and the HTML item is created which contains a method for rendering the page. HTML anchors are created as separate items which may have events bound to them. HTML items are an extension of group items, and thus have several of the same options as groups.

There is a Tcl file (draw/html.tcl) which describes default event bindings for html items which follow hyperlinks, and lay them out with scale. See the end of the description of HTML items for a description of html anchors.

HTML items are created with widget commands of the following form:

pathName create html [option value option value ...]

There may be any number of option-value pairs, each of which sets one of the configuration options for the item. These same option-value pairs may be used in itemconfigure widget commands to change the item's configuration. The following options are supported for html items:

-border [10] Specifies border color of item

-borderwidth [11] Specifies width of border

-divisible [16] True if events go through a group to its members

-donescript [17] A script to evaluate when a background action has completed

-errorscript [19] A script to evaluate when a background action has an error

-fill [23] Specifies fill color of item

-font [24] Specifies font to use for text

-htmlanchors [28] The anchors associated with an HTML page

-members [38] The list of members of a group

-updatescript [62] A script to evaluate when a background action has made progress

-url [63] The URL associated with an item

Note that when the width of an html page is changed, the page is re-laid out, and the height of the page could change as a result.

Pad++ Reference Manual - 20 JUN 1997

Copyright Computer Science Department, The University of New Mexico

Web Accessibility