
Related Commands and Options


allocimage[8] Allocate data for an image item

create [17] Create new items

delete [19] Delete existing items

find[27] Search for items by various keys

freeimage [31] Free data from an image item

itemconfigure[47] Configure existing items

lower[49] Push an item lower in the drawing order

pick[53] Find the item under a point

popcoordframesc[54] Pop a relative coordinate frame off of the stack

pushcoordframe[56] Add a new relative coordinate frame to the stack

raise[57] Bring an item higher in the drawing order

resetcoordrame[61] Reset coordinate frame stack to empty

setid[67] Change the id of an item

text[76] Modify text item

type [78] Get the type of an item

-arrow [78] Some items only: Whether to draw arrow heads with this item

-arrowshape[52] Some items only: The shape of drawn arrow heads

-dither [47] Some items only: Render with dithering

-file[87] Some items only: File an item should be defined by

-height[6] Height of an item. Normally computed automatically, but can be set

-html [43] Some items only: The HTML item associated with an htmlanchor

-htmlanchors[38] Some items only: The anchors associated with an HTML page

-image[48] Some items only: Image data associated with item (allocated by allocimage)

-info[7] A place to store application-specific information with an item

-ismap[44] Some items only: True if an htmlanchor is an image map

-lock[9] Locks an item so it can not be modified or deleted

-state[45] Some items only: State of an item (such as visited, unvisited, etc.)

-sticky [14] Specifies if an item should stay put when the view changes

-title[70] Some items only: Title of an item

-url[41] Some items only: The URL associated with an item

-width[21] Width of an item. Normally computed automatically, but can be set

-zoomaction[24] A script that gets evaluated when an item is scaled larger or smaller than a set size

Item Transformations

bbox [9] Get the bounding box of an item

coords[16] Change the coordinates of an item

getsize [39] Get the size of an item (possibly within portals)

scale[62] Change the size of an item relatively

slide[74] Move an item relatively in (x, y)

-anchor[2] The part of the item that -place refers to

-place[12] Transformation of an item - Translation (x, y), and magnification (z)

-x[22] X componenent of -place transformation

-y[23] Y componenent of -place transformation

-z[25] Z componenent of -place transformation

View Transformations

center[12] Change the view so as to center an item

centerbbox[13] Change the view so as to center a bounding box

getview[42] Get the current view (possibly within portals)

moveto[50] Change the view (possibly within portals)

zoom [83] Zoom the view around a specified point

-viewscript [19] A script that gets evaluated whenever the view is changed

-view[71] Some items only: Specifies the view this item sees

-lookon[67] Some items only: Specifies the pad widget this item sees


addtag [4] Add a tag to an item

deletetag[19] Delete a tag from an item

dtag [19] Synonym for deletetag

gettags[40] Get the tags an item has

hastag[44] Determine if an item has a particular tag

-tags[15] List of tags associated with an item


addmodifier[2] Add a new user-defined modifier for future use

bind[10] Create, modify, access, or delete event bindings

bindtags[11] Specify whether events should go to the most-specific or most-general description

deletemodifier[20] Delete a user-defined modifier

focus[28] Set the focus for keyboard events

getmodifier [36] Get the current user-defined modifier

setmodifier[71] Make the specified user-defined modifier the current one

-events [4] True if item receives events, false otherwise


addgroupmember[1] Add an item to a group

getgroup[33] Get the group an item belongs to

removegroupmember[59] Remove an item from a group

-divisible [26] True if events go through a group to its members

-members[28] The list of members of a group


grid[43] Layout pad items in a grid as with the Tk grid command

tree [77] Layout pad items with a dynamic graphical-fisheye view tree


damage [18] Specify that a group of items needs to be redrawn

update[79] Force any requested render requests to occur immediately

-alwaysrender [1] True if the item must be rendered, even if the system is slow and the item is small

-border[31] Some items only: Specifies border color of item

-borderwidth [32] Some items only: Specifies width of border

-capstyle[53] Some items only: Specifies how to draw line ends

-faderange[5] Range over which an item fades in or out

-fill [29] Some items only: Specifies fill color of item

-font [37] Some items only: Specifies font to use for text

-joinstyle[54] Some items only: Specifies how to draw the joints within multi-point lines

-layer[8] The layer an item is on

-noisedata [55] Some items only: Specifies parameters to render item with noise

-maxsize [10] The maximum size an item is rendered it (absolute or relative to window size)

-minsize [11] The minimum size an item is rendered it (absolute or relative to window size)

-pen [30] Some items only: Specifies pen color of item

-penwidth [57] Some items only: Specifies width of pen

-relief[69] Some items only: Specifies how a border should be rendered

-transparency[18] Transparency of an item. 0 is completely transparent, 1 is completely opaque

-visiblelayers[58] The layers that are visible within this view (just for portals and pad surface, item #1)

File I/O

read[58] Read a .pad file

write[82] Write a .pad file (all the items on a widget)


configure[15] Modify the pad widget

info[45] Get type-specific information about an item

islinked [46] Determine if the top-level window that a pad widget is in has been mapped yet

setlanguage[69] Set the language to be used for future calback scripts

settoplevel[72] Set the language to be used by the top-level interpreter

windowshape[81] Modify the shape of the top-level window that a pad widget is in


clock[14] Create a clock to measure elapsed milliseconds

getdate [32] Get the current date in unix format

getpads [37] Get a list of all pad widgets currently defined

line2spline[48] Generate points for a spline that approximate a line

noise[51] Generate 'perlin' noise

padxy[52] Convert a window point (x, y) to pad coordinates

spline2line[75] Generate points for a line that approximate a spline

urlfetch[80] Retrieve a URL over the internet in the background

-donescript[34] Some items only: A script to evaluate when a background action has completed

-errorscript [35] Some items only: A script to evaluate when a background action has an error

-updatescript [40] Some items only: A script to evaluate when a background action has made progress


allocborder[6] Allocate a border for future rendering

alloccolor[7] Allocate a color for future rendering

allocimage [8] Allocate a image for future rendering

drawimage [23] Draw an image within a renderscript

drawline[24] Draw a line within a renderscript

drawpolygon [25] Draw a polygon within a renderscript

drawtext [26] Draw text within a renderscript

freeborder [29] Free a border previously allocated

freecolor [30] Free a color previously allocated

freeimage[31] Free an image previously allocated

getlevel [34] Get the render level within a renderscript

getmag[35] Get the current magnification within a renderscript

getportals[38] Get the list of portals being rendered within during a renderscript

gettextbbox[41] Get the bounding box of a text string

renderitem[60] Render an item in a render callback

setcapstyle[63] Specify how the end caps of lines should be drawn

setfont[65] Specify the font to be used for renderscript drawing

setfontheight[66] Specify the font height to be used for renderscript drawing

setjoinstyle[68] Specify how the joints within multi-point lines should be drawn

setlinewidth[70] Specify the penwidth of lines when they are drawn

-renderscript[13] A script that gets evaluated every time an item is rendered

-bb [50] A script that gets evaluated to specify the bounding box of an item


printtree[55] Print all the items on the pad surface in their internal tree structure


addoption [3] Create a new option for an existing type

addtype[5] Create a new item type

Item Transformations
View Transformations
File I/O

July 9, 1996 - 9 JUL 1996

Generated with Harlequin WebMaker

Web Accessibility