
Pad++ supports dynamic hierarchical trees of pad objects which animate to show a focus + context information space. Dynamic trees are currently utilized in the Web browser utility, found in the Demos menu of PadDraw.

A dynamic tree is a hierarchical information space which is managed by layout objects which control the relative positioning of the pad items they are associated with. Currently, pad++ supports one default type of layout - a hierarchical tree layout which places child nodes to the right of the node.

Each pad has a treeroot slot, which is the master root of all dynamic trees for that pad. It is possible to create special children of this master root node are "invisible" roots - nodes which have pad objects associated with them, but are not used for anything except for managing their subtrees. These nodes separate the dynamic information space into managed subtrees that do not "know" about each other. That is, these separate subtrees may interfere when a layout occurs, because they are not connected by a functioning layout. The only way to get these top level nodes to "cooperate" is to call layout on the master tree node owned by the pad.

Creating a tree

Pad++ Programmer's Guide - 10 JUN 1996

Generated with Harlequin WebMaker

Web Accessibility