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Interactive Visual Exploration of Electronic Health Records

A HCIL 2008 Symposium Workshop

May 30th, 2008, Friday, 9:30am-5:P30pm



This workshop is a part of the Human-Computer Interaction Lab's Annual Symposium.  We encourage you to attend these presentations about the research being done at the Lab!  Visit the HCIL Symposium page for more information. As electronic health records (EHR) become more widespread, they enable clinicians and researchers to pose complex queries that could benefit immediate patient care and deepen understanding of medical treatment outcomes. However, the current design of patient databases and query tools makes some queries difficult to pose. This workshop will address efforts to develop visualization tools for physicians, clinical researchers, and medical administrators seeking to improve diagnostic decisions, treatment plan outcomes, and hospital quality assessment. Challenges include design of visual query interface, rapid execution of the queries, and comprehensible exploration of the results.


Participant List

Below you will find the attendees of the workshop, their title and affiliations.  You will also find position papers of the attendees where available.  You can also find a zip file, containing all position papers at the end of this list.


Name Title and Affiliation Notes
Wolfgang Aigner Associate Researcher, Department of Information and Knowledge Engineering (ike), Danube University Krems, Austria Keynote Speaker
Sameer Antani [paper] (pdf) National Library of Medicine
Sandipto Banerjee [paper] (doc) Project Manager, MicroStrategy
Bruce Bray National Library of Medicine
Brian Drohan [paper] (doc) Graduate Student, Bioinformatics, University of Massachussettes Speaker
Vivian Gainer i2b2 Project Specialist, Partners Healthcare Speaker
Mike Gillam MedStar, Washington Hospital Center, Microsoft Speaker
Anne R. Haake [paper] (doc) Associate Professor, Information Technology, Rochester Institute of Technology
Matthew Kim [paper] (pdf) Assistant Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Stanley Lam Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland Speaker
Tobias Lehtipalo [paper] (doc) TIBCO Software AB
Rupa Patel [paper] (pdf) University of Michigan / Cielo Med Solutions
David S. Pieczkiewicz [paper] (pdf) NIBIB / CIBM Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Informatics Research Center, Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation   Speaker
Catherine Plaisant Researcher, HCIL, University of Maryland Organizer
Seth Powsner Faculty, Yale Center for Medical Informatics, Professor of Psychiatry & Emergency Medicine, Chief, Psychiatric Emergency Service, Yale-New Haven Hospital Speaker
Ben Shneiderman Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland Organizer
Byron Smith [paper] (doc) Wyle - NASA Space Medicine
Mark Smith Chairman of the Division of Emergency
Medicine, Washington Hospital Center, MedStar
A. Rosemary Tate [paper] (doc) Medical Statistician, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Taowei David Wang Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland Speaker
Kristen Werner [paper] (doc) Health Informatics Analyst, Altarum Institute
Lauren G. Wilcox [paper] (pdf) Graduate Student, Department of Computer Science, Columbia University
Haixia Zhao Google

Link to all Posted Position Papers


Related HCIL Pages


  • Lifelines:  Visualizing Patient records, criminal records, and personal histories

  • PatternFinder: Query support for electronic health records

  • PatternFinder in Azyxxi: Temporal query formulation and result visualization in action

  • Lifelines2: Discovering Temporal Categorical Patterns Across Multiple Records

    Past Workshop