
WORKSHOP 2: Information Visualization Evaluation 

Organized by: Catherine Plaisant, HCIL and Anita Komlodi, UMBC 


The deadline is now passed and we cannot accept more participants.

The InfoVis contest organized at the occasion of the InfoVis 2003 conference is a small step toward the formalisation of methods for evaluating information visualization tools. In order to improve information visualization evaluation our community needs:
     - Metrics (formal and empirical) 
     - Common datasets and tasks (and taxonomies of data types and tasks) 
     - Repository of results for comparison (e.g. knowledge discovered scalability and learnability, empirical performance data on speed, errors and satisfaction) 
We will discuss the challenges of information evaluation, review the applicability of other evaluation methods, and prepare plans for the development of metrics, taxonomies, and benchmark repositories. 

Tentative Agenda:
10:00 - 10:30 Welcome and Introductions
10:30 - 11:00 Summary of previous information visualization evaluations: A review of individual user studies published in the literature
Anita Komlodi, Enrique Stanziola, Azfar Karimullah, John Goodall, UMBC
11:00 - 12:00 Reflections on other evaluation methods, contests, repositories, and benchmarking efforts
    InfoVis 2003 and other contests, Catherine Plaisant, UMd
    The role of theories in evaluation strategies, Ben Shneiderman, UMd
    Evaluation of Interactive Systems for Information Analysis, Sharon Laskowski, NIST
    The "Visualization Working Group Repository" in France, Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA)
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:00  Work in subgroups (methods, metrics, repositories, others?)
2:00 - 3:00 Report from groups
3:00 - 4:00 Plan for the future - How to get there?

The workshop will take place Thursday May 29, 2003 at the University of Maryland and will run from 10am to 4pm, followed by a reception. To contact us: plaisant@cs.umd.edu; komlodi@umbc.edu

List of participants

Eyad Abed, UMd Institute of Systems Research 
Kristen Barbour, NSA
Gregg Cooke, UBS Warburg, (Position Statement)
Jon Dale, NIMA/IDR 
Kathleen Ellis, Eli Lilly and Company
Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA, via video conference (Position Statement)
John Goodall, UMBC Student 
Charlie Guthrie, ChevronTexaco
William Haney, Concurrent Technologies Corp. 
Harry HochHeiser, UMd Student  (Position Statement)
Tony Jewitt, The Hive Group
Azfar Karimullah, UMBC Student
Anita Komlodi, UMBC (Position Statement)
Bill Kules, UMd Student,
Faye Kurpane, The Hive Group
Sharon Laskowski, NIST (Position Statement)
David Leight, Dept. of Defense
Catherine Plaisant, UMd (Position Statement)
Randall Rhorer, NSA (Position Statement)
Georges Robertson, Micrososft Research
Renate Roske-Shelton, Lockeed Martin contractor to SSA (Position Statement)
Jinwook Seo, UMd Student
Barbara Simmons, Dept. of Defense 
Ben Shneiderman, UMd 
Nika Smith, UserWorks, Inc. (Position Statement)
Enrique Stanziola, UMBC Student 
Kirsten Whitley, Department of Defense (Position Statement)
Wei Xianying, UMd student (dept of cell biology and Mol. genetics)

Additional Materials for Participants (Password Protected - ask Catherine if you forgot the password!) 



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