There will be a series of talks followed by demonstrations of all of the lab projects with time to meet and talk with researchers in an informal setting. Pre-Symposium Events—June 3, 2004 Tutorials and Workshop A.V. Williams Building Symposium and Open House—June 4, 2004 Hoff Theater-Adele Stamp Student Union We appreciate the sponsorship of:
8:15am | Sign-in and Coffee |
9:00am | Welcome: Ben Bederson, Director of HCIL |
Keynote Speaker: Jenny Preece, Online Communities | |
I—Public Access Session Chair—Ben Shneiderman |
Enabling Citizen Access to Government
Data through a Statistical Knowledge Network |
Listening to Maps Haixia Zhao, Ben Smith |
Usability Methods Using Dual Monitors Kent Norman, Susan Campbell, and Walky Rivadeneira |
Show Me! Making Compelling Narrated Recordings
that Explain User Interfaces Ben Shneiderman, Catherine Plaisant |
Session II—Public Access II Session Chair—Douglas W. Oard |
Improving Access to Oral History Collections Douglas W. Oard |
Children’s Book Searching and Selection
Behavior Using the International Children’s Digital Library Kara Reuter |
The Role of Books, Libraries, Technology,
& Culture in Children’s Lives: An International Study Allison Druin, Ann Weeks, Sheri Massey, Adrienne LaGier |
Keeping Track of Notes with NoteLens Ben Bederson |
Improving Photo Annotation to Support Enriched Presentations Bongwon Suh, Jack Kustanowitz |
Afternoon | Session III—Interaction & Visualization Session Chair—Catherine Plaisant |
ProofRite Dave Levin, Kevin Conroy, François Guimbretière |
CrossY : Crossing Interface System for the Tablet PC Georg Apitz |
Flipping as a Method of Digital Document
Navigation Liyang Sun, François Guimbretière |
Benefits of Animated Scrolling Christian Klein, Ben Bederson |
Gene Chasing with the Hierarchical
Clustering Explorer: Finding Meaningful Clusters in High Dimensional Data Jinwook Seo, Ben Shneiderman |
Understanding TimeSeries with TimeSearcher Aleks Aris, Catherine Plaisant |
3:30-5:00pm | OPEN
HOUSE—Demonstrations Projects will be demonstrated in the labs (free event). No registration is required. All interfaces introduced during the symposium will be demonstrated. In addition to those projects presented, the following will also be included in the afternoon demonstrations: