Linda Candy (University of Technology, Sydney,
Index sorted by first author
- Interactive Experience in a Public Context
Zafer Bilda, Ernest Edmonds and Deborah Turnbull;
- Constrain Yourselves: Exploring End User Development in Support for Musical Creativity
Tim Coughlan and Peter Johnson
- Interfectio Puerorum: Digital Projections and the12th Century Fleurys
Margaret Dolinsky
- Graph Theory: Linking Online Musical Creativity to Concert Hall Performance
Jason Freeman
- KMS Models for Video Files using Mnemonics
Michael Graham Leggett
- Digital Collecting: Designing Tools for Online Creative Behaviors
Jamie Gray
- Digital Cameras as Tools for Creative Exploration and Visual Thinking
Bjoern Hartmann and Scott Doorley
- Software for Systematic & Imaginative Exploration
Daryl Hepting
- Sonictecture: Aesthetic Spatial Conditioning through Sound, Computation and Interaction
Joanne Jakovich and Dagmar Reinhardt
- Partial Reflections: Interactive Virtual Instruments Controlled by Sound
Andrew Johnston and Ben Marks
- A Periscope for Mobile Discovery and Narrative
Eric Kabisch
- Reading and Writing with Wikis: Progress and Plans
Clif Kussmaul and Sharon Albert
- Eye-Balls: Juggling with the Virtual
Joe Marshall, Steve Benford and Tony Pridmore
- Goromi-Web: Browsing for Unexpected Information on the Web
Goro Otsubo
Hannes Raffaseder
- Dancing with Words
Raisa Rashid, Quoc Vy, Hunt Richard and Deborah I. Fels
- Relight My Model: New Media in Ideation Workshops
Daniel Saakes and Remko van der Lugt
- Impromptu: An Interactive Media Arts Programming Environment
Andrew Sorensen and Andrew R. Brown
- PLAYAS: Critical Reflection in an Immersive Space
Jack Stenner