On Modeling Networks of Wireless Microsensors
Andreas Savvides
Sung Park
Mani B. Srivastava
Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles
Recent advances in low-power embedded processors, radios, and micro-mechanical
systems (MEMs) have made possible the development of networks of
wirelessly interconnected sensors. With their focus on
applications requiring tight coupling with the physical world,
as opposed to the personal communication
focus of conventional wireless networks, these wireless sensor
networks pose significantly different design,
implementation, and deployment challenges. Their
application-specific nature, severe resource limitations,
long network life requirements, and the presence of sensors
lead to interesting interplay between sensing,
communications, power consumption, and topology that designers
need to consider. Existing tools for
modeling wireless networks focus only on the communications
problem, and do no support modeling the
power and sensing aspects that are essential to wireless
sensor network design. In this paper, we present a set
of models and techniques that are embodied in a simulation
tool for modeling wireless sensor networks. Our
work builds up on the infrastructure provided by the widely
used ns-2 simulator, and adds a suite of new
features and techniques that are specific to wireless sensor
networks. These features introduce the notion of a
sensing channel through which sensors detect targets, and
provide detailed models for evaluating energy
consumption and battery lifetime. The modeling efforts are
based on detailed measurements using real
wireless sensor nodes, as well as prototype nodes developed
by us. Case studies of example deployment
scenarios demonstrate the use of our modeling tool and
techniques for understanding and designing sensor