High Performance Computing Systems (CMSC714)
Group Projects
The group project should be implemented in C/C++ (or Fortran), and use a
parallel programming model such as MPI, OpenMP, Charm++, CUDA etc. This
project will be done in teams of ~3 people. The final deliverable will be a
report and the code (with a Makefile and clear instructions for running it).
Milestone |
Due on |
Form groups |
March 4 |
Project description |
March 11 |
Interim report |
April 15 |
Project presentations |
May 6, 11 |
Final project and report |
May 13 |
Project Grading (25% of overall grade)
% total |
Presentation | 40 |
Final report and code | 40 |
Peer evaluation | 20 |
Peer evaluation: you are given $100 that you have to allocate as a
performance bonus to your group members based on your assessment of their
contributions to the project (you cannot keep any money for yourself).
However, you can donate money to charity if you'd like. Each person should
email Abhinav and Joy explaining how you are distributing your virtual
dollars (100) among your teammates with justification. Email subject: CMSC714: Group X: Peer Evaluation
What goes in the presentation?
- Introduce your project so that it is understandable by a CS audience
- Present what you are implementing or evaluating (serial / parallel algorithms)
- Progress so far
- Results (performance / performance analysis)
What goes in the report?
- Details about the project: serial algorithm, parallel algorithm, languages being used
- Deliverables and metrics for success
- Results
- Contributions of individual group members
Recent Projects
- Parallelizing a Gaussian Solver
- Parallelizing the Spectral Clustering Algorithm
- Parallelize Raytracing
- Parallelize K-Means Clustering
- Simulating the spread of COVID-19 in closed environments
- Parallel A* Search Algorithm
- Data Parallelism for Distributed Deep Learning
- Parallelization of Sudoku
- A Consortium of Parallel QuickHull
- Parallel Implementation of GMRES Solvers
- Distributed Training of Neural Networks
- Parallel N-Body Simulations with Long Range Interactions
- Auto-tuning for scalable parallel 3-D FFT
- Algebraic Multigrid with OpenMP, OpenACC and MPI
- A Visual Debugging Tool for MPI Programs
- Online Auto-Tuning of Collective Communication Operations in MPI
Other suggestions
- Implement a parallel algorithm such as sorting or matrix multiply.
- Application performance studies across one or more parallel machines - e.g. satellite data processing, parallel search, computer vision algorithms, bioinformatics
- Application performance studies on GPUs
- Reproduce results from a paper, extend to current systems - e.g., CPU vs. GPU paper (pick a small number of application kernels)
- Debunking a published paper