CMSC 754
Spring 2020
Dave Mount
This is an introductory course on computational geometry and its applications. We will discuss techniques needed in designing and analyzing efficient algorithms and data structures for computational problems in discrete geometry, such as convex hulls, geometric intersections, geometric structures such as Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations, arrangements of lines and hyperplanes, and range searching.
For further information, please see the course syllabus.
Tue, Thu 9:30am-10:45pm, EGR 0108. (Note: New room!)
Name | Role | Contact | Office Hours | Zoom Meeting ID |
Dave Mount | Instructor |, IRB 4162 | Mon 1-2pm Wed 2-3pm | |
Alejandro Flores | Teaching Assistant |, IRB 2112 | Tue 2-3pm Thu 2-3pm | |
Important class announcements will be made through Piazza. Once class has started, I'll send invitations to join the system.