Course Essentials (Linked in Sites tab)
- Canvas
- Quuly
- GradeScope
- Piazza
- Grade server
- Submit server
- C Style Guide
- Debugging in C
- HP_AppA.pdf (MIPS Assembly)
- Past Lecture Videos
- Exams
- Quizzes
- Good Faith Attempt Requirements
- Regrade Request Dues
- FAQ Spring 2020 (updated as needed)
Other Resources
- Unix Introduction
- Grace System
- Basic Unix Tutorial
Subsystem for Linux (Run a GNU/Linux environment directly on
- X Forwarding
- Resetting Grace Environment
- Setting gcc alias
- C Style Guide
- Test Types
- Debugging in C
- Input/Ouput Redirection and diff command
- Unix Tutorial
- (for downloading material from grace)
- Emacs tutorial (Section 5 of unix-tutorial.pdf)
- CMSC 216 Notes (by Ekesh Kumar)
- Emacs Cheat Sheet(1)
- Emacs Cheat Sheet(2)
- Memory Map Example
- Memory Layout of C Program (
- A Valgrind tutorial
- ProcessDiagramExample.pdf
- Advanced Shell Commands
- Threads and Fork
- Exam Clock (