Understanding generalization through visualizations
WR Huang, Z Emam, M Goldblum, L Fowl, J Terry, F Huang, T Goldstein
arXiv preprint
Understanding the (un) interpretability of natural image distributions using generative models
R Krusinga, S Shah, M Zwicker, T Goldstein, D Jacobs
arXiv preprint
Representation-Constrained Autoencoders and an Application to Wireless Positioning
P Huang, E Gonultas, S Medjkouh, O Castaneda, O Tirkkonen, T Goldstein, C Studer
Stacked U-Nets: A No-Frills Approach to Natural Image Segmentation
S Shah, P Ghosh, L Davis, T Goldstein
arXiv preprint
Adversarial Differentiable Data Augmentation for Autonomous Systems
M Shu, Y Shen, M Lin, T Goldstein
Making an Invisibility Cloak: Real World Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors Spotlight Talk
Z Wu, S Lim, L Davis, T Goldstein
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
Unraveling Meta-Learning: Understanding Feature Representations for Few-Shot Tasks
M Goldblum, S Reich, L Fowl, R Ni, V Cherepanova, T Goldstein
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
Adversarial attacks on Copyright Detection Systems
P Saadatpanah, A Shafahi, T Goldstein
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
Certified Data Removal from Machine Learning Models
C Guo, T Goldstein, A Hannun, L van der Maaten
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
Curse of Dimensionality on Randomized Smoothing for Certifiable Robustness
A Kumar, A Levine, T Goldstein, S Feizi
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
Analyzing the effect of neural network architecture on training performance
K Sankararaman, S De, Z Xu, WR Huang, T Goldstein
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
Instance Adaptive Adversarial Training: Improved Accuracy-Robustness Trade-offs in Neural Nets
Y Balaji, T Goldstein, J Hoffman
AROW Workshop at European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020
Deep k-NN Defense against Clean-label Data Poisoning Attacks
N Peri, N Gupta, WR Huang, L Fowl, C Zhu, S Feizi, T Goldstein, JP Dickerson
AROW Workshop at European Conference on Computer Vision, 2020
Breaking Certified Defenses: Semantic adversarial examples with spoofed robustness certificates
A Ghiasi, A Shafahi, T Goldstein
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
FreeLB: Enhanced Adversarial Training for Language Understanding Spotlight Talk
C Zhu, Y Cheng, Z Gan, S Sun, T Goldstein, J Liu
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Network Deconvolution Spotlight Talk
C Ye, M Evanusa, H He, A Mitrokhin, T Goldstein, J A. Yorke, C Fermuller, Y Aloimonos
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Certified Defenses for Adversarial Patches
P Chiang, R Ni, A Abdelkader, C Zhu, C Studor, T Goldstein
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Adversarially robust transfer learning
A Shafahi, P Saadatpanah, C Zhu, A Ghiasi, C Studer, D Jacobs, T Goldstein
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Truth or backpropaganda? An empirical investigation of deep learning theory Spotlight Talk
M Goldblum, J Geiping, A Schwarzschild, M Moeller, T Goldstein
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2020
Finite-Alphabet MMSE Equalization for All-Digital Massive MU-MIMO mmWave Communication
O Castañeda, S Jacobsson, G Durisi, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2020
High-bandwidth spatial equalization for mmWave massive MU-MIMO with processing-in-memory
O Castañeda, S Jacobsson, G Durisi, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2020
Headless Horseman: Adversarial Attacks on Transfer Learning Models Spotlight Talk
A Abdelkader, M Curry, L Fowl, T Goldstein, A Schwarzschild, M Shu, C Studer, C Zhu
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020
WITCHcraft: Efficient PGD attacks with random step size
PY Chiang, J Geiping, M Goldblum, T Goldstein, R Ni, S Reich, A Shafahi
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020
Soft-output finite alphabet qualization for mmwave massive MIMO
O Castañeda, S Jacobsson, G Durisi, T Goldstein, C Studer
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020
MSE-optimal neural network initialization via layer fusion
R Ghods, AS Lan, T Goldstein, C Studer
Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 2020
Universal Adversarial Training
A Shafahi, M Najibi, Z Xu, J Dickerson, LS Davis, T Goldstein
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020
Adversarially Robust Distillation
M Goldblum, L Fowl, S Feizi, T Goldstein
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Adversarial Training for Free!
A Shafahi, M Najibi, A Ghiasi, Z Xu, J Dickerson, C Studer, L Davis, G Taylor, T Goldstein
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
Transferable Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Deep Neural Nets
C Zhu, WR Huang, H Li, G Taylor, C Studer, T Goldstein
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2019
Are Adversarial Examples Inevitable?
Ali Shafahi, W. Ronny Huang, Christoph Studer, Soheil Feizi, Tom Goldstein
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019
Batch-wise Logit-Similarity: Generalizing Logit-Squeezing and Label-Smoothing
A Shafahi, MA Ghiasi, M Najibi, F Huang, J Dickerson, T Goldstein
British Machine Vision Conference
Label Smoothing and Logit Squeezing: A Replacement for Adversarial Training?
A Shafahi, A Ghiasi, F Huang, T Goldstein
ACE: Adapting to Changing Environments for Semantic Segmentation
Z Wu, X Wang, JE Gonzalez, T Goldstein, LS Davis
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2019
Improving Channel Charting with Representation-Constrained Autoencoders
P Huang, O Castañeda, E Gönültaş, S Medjkouh, O Tirkkonen, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE 20th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)
Unsupervised charting of wireless channels
S Medjkouh, E Gönültaş, T Goldstein, O Tirkkonen, C Studer
2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2019
Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Set Packing
M Curry, D McElfresh, X You, C Moy, F Huang, T Goldstein, J Dickerson
Multi-disciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making (RLDM), 2019
Siamese Neural Networks for Wireless Positioning and Channel Charting
Eric Lei, Oscar Castañeda, Olav Tirkkonen, Tom Goldstein, Christoph Studer
Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing
Improving channel charting with representation-constrained autoencoders
Pengzhi Huang, Oscar Castañeda, Emre Gönültaş, Saïd Medjkouh, Olav Tirkkonen, Tom Goldstein, Christoph Studer
International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)
Poison Frogs! Targeted Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Neural Networks
A Shafahi, WR Huang, M Najibi, O Suciu, C Studer, T Dumitras, T Goldstein
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018
Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets
H Li, Z Xu, G Taylor, T Goldstein
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018
Unsupervised charting of wireless channels
S Medjkouh, E Gönültas, T Goldstein, O Tirkkonen, C Studer
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)
Channel Charting: Locating Users within the Radio Environment using Channel State Information
C Studer, S Medjkouh, E Gönültaş, T Goldstein, O Tirkkonen
IEEE Access, 2018
Linear Spectral Estimators and an Application to Phase Retrieval
R Ghods, A Lan, T Goldstein, C Studer
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018
DCAN: Dual Channel-wise Alignment Networks for Unsupervised Scene Adaptation
Z Wu, X Han, YL Lin, M Uzunbas, T Goldstein, SN Lim, LS Davis
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2018
Stabilizing Adversarial Nets With Prediction Methods
A Yadav, S Shah, Z Xu, D Jacobs, T Goldstein
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2018
PhaseMax: Convex phase retrieval via basis pursuit
T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2018
VLSI Designs for Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection in Large SIMO Wireless Systems
O Castañeda, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2018
Solving Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo Using Fewer Images by Jointly Optimizing Low-rank Matrix Completion and Integrability
S Sengupta, H Zhou, W Forkel, R Basri, T Goldstein, D Jacobs
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 60 (4), 563-575
VLSI Design of a 3-Bit Constant-Modulus Precoder for Massive Mu-MIMO
O Castaneda, S Jacobsson, G Durisi, M Coldrey, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2018
PhaseLin: Linear Phase Retrieval
R Ghods, Andrew Lan, T Goldstein, S Studer
52th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 2018
Training Quantized Nets: A Deeper Understanding
H Li, S De, Z Xu, C Studer, H Samet, T Goldstein
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2017
Visualizing the Loss Landscape of Neural Nets
H Li, Z Xu, G Taylor, T Goldstein
Deep Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice, NIPS Workshop, 2017
PhasePack: A Phase Retrieval Library
R Chandra, Z Zhong, J Hontz, V McCulloch, C Studer, T Goldstein
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2017
1-bit Massive MU-MIMO Precoding in VLSI
O Castañeda, S Jacobsson, G Durisi, M Coldrey, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), 2017
Convex Relaxation without Lifting via PhaseMax
T Goldstein, C Studer
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017
VLSI Designs for Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection in Large SIMO Wireless Systems Invited Paper
O Castañeda, T Goldstein, and C Studer
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, 2017
Adaptive Consensus ADMM for Distributed Optimization
Z Xu, G Taylor, H Li, M Figueiredo, T Goldstein
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017
Towards a Deeper Understanding of Training Quantized Neural Networks Best Student Paper Award
H Li, S De, Z Xu, C Studer, H Samet, T Goldstein
ICML Workshop on Principled Approaches in Deep Learning (PADL), 2017
Quantized Precoding for Massive MU-MIMO
S Jacobsson, G Durisi, M Coldrey, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2017
Decentralized baseband processing for massive MU-MIMO systems
K Li, RR Sharan, Y Chen, T Goldstein, JR Cavallaro, C Studer
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), 2017
FPGA Design of Low-Complexity Joint Channel Estimation and Data Detection for Large SIMO Wireless Systems
O. Castañeda, T. Goldstein, and C. Studer
International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2017
[A non-contrast CMR index for assessing myocardial fibrosis](A non-contrast CMR index for assessing myocardial fibrosis)
Q Yina, D Abendscheinc, D Muccigrossoa, R O’Connord, T Goldstein, R Chenf, J Zheng
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2017
PhaseMax: Convex phase retrieval without lifting Spotlight Talk
T Goldstein, C Studer
Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), 2017
Adaptive Relaxed ADMM: Convergence Theory and Practical Implementation
Z Xu, M Figueiredo, X Yuan, C Studer, and T Goldstein
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017
A New Rank Constraint on Multi-view Fundamental Matrices, and its Application to Camera Location Recovery
S Sengupta, T Amir, M Galun, A Singer, T Goldstein, D Jacobs, R Basri Spotlight Talk
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017
Adaptive ADMM with Spectral Penalty Parameter Selection Spotlight Talk
Z Xu, M Figueiredo, T Goldstein
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2017
Automated Inference with Adaptive Batches Spotlight Talk
S De, A Yadav, D Jacobs, T Goldstein
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2017
Compressive Video Sensing Feature Article
R Baraniuk, T Goldstein, A Sankaranarayanan, C Studer, A Veeraraghavan, M Wakin
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, January 2017
Son of Zorn’s Lemma: Targeted Style Transfer Using Instance-aware Semantic Segmentation
C Castillo, S De, X Han, B Singh, AK Yadav and T Goldstein Spotlight Talk
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2017
POKEMON: A non-linear beamforming algorithm for 1-bit massive MIMO Spotlight Talk
O Castaneda, T Goldstein, C Studer
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2017
Scalable Classifiers With ADMM and Transpose Reduction
G Taylor, Z Xu, T Goldstein
Distributed Machine Learning, AAAI 2017
CentralVR: A framework for variance-reduced distributed optimization
S De, T Goldstein
Distributed Machine Learning, AAAI 2017
Operator Splitting Methods in Compressive Sensing and Sparse Approximation Book Chapter
T Goldstein, X Zhang
In Splitting Methods in Communication, Imaging, Science, and Engineering
Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2016
Efficient Distributed SGD with Variance Reduction Spotlight Talk
S De, T Goldstein
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2016
Training Neural Networks Without Gradients: A Scalable ADMM Approach
G Taylor, R Burmeister, Z Xu, B Singh, A Patel, T Goldstein
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2016
Dealbreaker: A Nonlinear Latent Variable Model for Educational Data
A Lan, T Goldstein, R Baraniuk, C Studer
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2016
Nonlinear 1-Bit precoding for massive MU-MIMO with higher-order modulation Invited Paper
S Jacobsson, G Durisi, M Coldrey, T Goldstein, C Studer
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2016
Biconvex Relaxation for Semidefinite Programming in Computer Vision
S Shah, A Kumar, D Jacobs, C Studer, T Goldstein
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016
ShapeFit and ShapeKick for Robust, Scalable Structure from Motion Spotlight Talk
T Goldstein, P Hand, C Lee, V Voroninski, S Soatto
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016
Unwrapping ADMM: Efficient Distributed Computing via Transpose Reduction
T Goldstein, G Taylor, K Barabin, K Sayre
Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2016
An Empirical Study of ADMM for Nonconvex Problems
Z Xu, S De, M Figueiredo, C Studer, T Goldstein
NIPS Workshop on non-convex optimization, 2016
Non-negative Factorization of the Occurrence Tensor from Financial Contracts
Z Xu, F Huang, L Raschid, T Goldstein
NIPS Workshop on tensor methods, 2016
Estimating Sparse Signals with Smooth Support via Convex Programming and Block Sparsity
S Shah, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016
Decentralized Beamforming for Massive MU-MIMO on a GPU Cluster
K Li, R Sharan, TChen, JR Cavallaro, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2016
Data detection in large multi-antenna wireless systems via approximate semidefinite relaxation
O Castañeda, T Goldstein, C Studer Invited Paper
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63(12), 2016
Deterministic Column Sampling for Low-Rank Matrix Approximation: Nyström vs. Incomplete Cholesky Decomposition
R Patel, T Goldstein, E Dyer, A Mirhoseini, R Baraniuk
SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2016
FPGA design of approximate semidefinite relaxation for data detection in large MIMO wireless systems
O Castañeda, T Goldstein, C Studer
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2016
Decentralized Data Detection for Massive MU-MIMO on a Xeon Phi Cluster
K Li, Y Chen, R Sharan, Tom Goldstein, J Cavallaro, C Studer
Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2016
The STONE transform: Multi-resolution image enhancement and compressive video
T Goldstein, L Xu, KF Kelly, R Baraniuk
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2015
Adaptive primal-dual splitting methods for statistical learning and image processing
T Goldstein, M Li, X Yuan
Advances in Neural Information Processing (NIPS), 2015
Layer-Specific Adaptive Learning Rates for Deep Networks
B Singh, S De, Y Zhang, T Goldstein
International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), 2015
Exploiting Low-rank Structure for Discriminative Sub-categorization
Z Xu, X Li, K Yang, T Goldstein
British Machine Vision Conference, 2015
Distributed model fitting with transpose reduction ADMM
G Taylor, T Goldstein
BigNeuro Workshop, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015
Cosine Fourier bases for kernel function approximation
R Burmeister, G Taylor , T Goldstein
BigNeuro Workshop, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015.
Modeling Student Responses Using the Dealbreaker Model
A Lan, C Studer, T Goldstein, R Baraniuk
Workshop on Machine Learning for Education, ICML, 2015
Sparse Self-Expressive Decompositions for Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering.
E Dyer, R Patel, R Baraniuk, K Kording, T Goldstein
Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), 2015.
Efficient Algorithms for L-infty-Norm Minimization
C Studer, T Goldstein, W Yin, R Baraniuk
Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), 2015.
Pulmonary microvascular blood flow in mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema. The MESA COPD Study
H Hueper, J Vogel-Claussen, M Parikh, J Austin, D Bluemke, J Carr, J Choi, T Goldstein, A Gomes, E Hoffman, S Kawut
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2015
Fast alternating direction optimization methods
T Goldstein, B O’Donoghue, S Setzer, R Baraniuk
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2014
Sparse atomic feature learning via gradient regularization: With applications to finding sparse representations of fMRI activity patterns
MJ O’Brien, MS Keegan, T Goldstein, R Millin, J Benvenuto, K Kay
Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), 2014
Democratic Representations
C Studer, T Goldstein, W Yin, RG Baraniuk
arXiv preprint
Adaptive step size selection for optimization via the ski rental problem
A Aghazadeh, A Ayremlou, DD Calderón, T Goldstein, R Patel, D Vats, R Baraniuk
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, 2013
Quantitative and Semi-quantitative Measures of Regional Pulmonary Parenchymal Perfusion by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and their Relationships to Global Lung Perfusion and Lung Diffusing Capacity–The MESA COPD Study
K Hueper, M Parikh, MR Prince, C Schoenfeld, C Liu, DA Bluemke, SM Dashnaw, TA Goldstein, E Hoffman, JA Lima, J Skrok, J Zheng, RG Barr, J Vogel-Claussen
Investigative Radiology, 2013
Global minimization of markov random fields with applications to optical flow
T Goldstein, X Bresson, S Osher
Inverse Problems and Imaging, 2012
Dose optimization with first-order total-variation minimization for dense angularly sampled and sparse intensity modulated radiation therapy (DASSIM-RT)
H Kim, R Li, R Lee, T Goldstein, S Boyd, E Candes, L Xing
Medical Physics, 2012
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy reduction of relative resting myocardial blood flow is related to late enhancement, T2-signal and LV wall thickness
K Hueper, A Zapf, J Skrok, A Pinheiro, TA Goldstein, J Zheng
PloS one, 2012
Reduction of relative resting myocardial blood flow is related to myocardial delayed enhancement, T2-signal abnormalities, left-ventricular wall thickness and age in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
K Hueper, A Zapf, J Skrok, AC Pinheiro, TA Goldstein, J Zheng
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2012
Fast TV regularization for 2D maximum penalized likelihood estimation
GO Mohler, AL Bertozzi, TA Goldstein, SJ Osher
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2011
First pass contrast bolus hemodynamics contain information on right ventricular function, remodeling, and lung resistance in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients
J Skrok, ML Shehata, T Goldstein, J Zheng, RE Girgis, JO Mudd, JAC Lima, DA Bluemke, PM Hassoun, J Vogel-Claussen
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2011
Right and left ventricular myocardial perfusion reserves correlate with right ventricular function and pulmonary hemodynamics in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
J Vogel-Claussen, J Skrok, ML Shehata, S Singh, CT Sibley, DM Boyce, N Lechtzin, EE Girgis, SC Mathai, TA Goldstein, J Zheng, JAC Lima, DA Bluemke, PM Hassoun
Radiology, 2011
Geometric applications of the split Bregman method: segmentation and surface reconstruction
T Goldstein, X Bresson, S Osher
Journal of Scientific Computing, 2010
A fast variational method for surface reconstruction from sets of scattered points
J Ye, X Bresson, T Goldstein, S Osher
UCLA CAM Technical Report, 2010
High-order methods for basis pursuit
T Goldstein, S Setzer
UCLA CAM Technical Report, 2010
Pulmonary parenchymal perfusion in early chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): the MESA COPD Study
J Vogel, M Parikh, J Austin, D Bluemke, J Carr, T Goldstein, A Gomes, EA Hoffman, J Lima, W Post, K Hueper, M Prince, K Liu, J Skrok, K Watson, J Zheng, RG Barr
Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2010
Roles of myocardial blood volume and flow in coronary artery disease: an experimental MRI study at rest and during hyperemia
KS McCommis, TA Goldstein, DR Abendschein, B Misselwitz, T Pilgram
European Radiology, 2010
Improvement of hyperemic myocardial oxygen extraction fraction estimation by a diffusion‐prepared sequence
KS McCommis, I Koktzoglou, H Zhang, TA Goldstein, BE Northrup, D Li
Magnetic resonance in medicine, 2010
Quantification of Regional Myocardial Oxygenation by Magnetic Resonance Imaging Validation With Positron Emission Tomography
KS McCommis, TA Goldstein, DR Abendschein, P Herrero, B Misselwitz, et al.
Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, 2010
The split Bregman method for L1-regularized problems
T Goldstein, S Osher
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 2009
Myocardial blood volume is associated with myocardial oxygen consumption: an experimental study with cardiac magnetic resonance in a canine model
KS McCommis, H Zhang, TA Goldstein, B Misselwitz, DR Abendschein, RJ Gropler, J Zheng
JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 2009
Oldies but Goodies
Detection of changes in myocardial blood flow and volume: a CMR study in a canine model of coronary artery stenosis
KS McCommis, TA Goldstein, RJ Gropler, J Zheng
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2008
Fast mapping of myocardial blood flow with MR first‐pass perfusion imaging
TA Goldstein, M Jerosch‐Herold, B Misselwitz, H Zhang, RJ Gropler
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2008
Quantification of myocardial blood volume during dipyridamole and doubtamine stress: a perfusion CMR study
KS McCommis, TA Goldstein, H Zhang, B Misselwitz, RJ Gropler, J Zheng
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, 2007
Improvement of quantification of myocardial first‐pass perfusion mapping: A temporal and spatial wavelet denoising method
TA Goldstein, H Zhang, B Misselwitz, RG Gropler, J Zheng
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2006
Fast mapping of myocardial blood flow: A new Algorithm with intravascular MR first-pass imaging
TA Goldstein, H Zhang, M Jerosch-Herold, RJ Gropler, J Zheng
Proceedings of international Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2006