Near Optimal Coflow Scheduling in Networks

Mosharaf Chowdhury*, Samir Khuller\({}^{\dagger}\), Manish Purohit\({}^{\ddagger}\), Sheng Yang**, Jie You*

*: University of Michigan, \({}^{\dagger}\): Northwestern University, \({}^{\ddagger}\): Google Research, **: University of Maryland, College Park


Global data center traffic by destination in 2021


From Cisco Global Cloud Index: Forecast and Methodology, 2016–2021 White Paper:

Coflow Scheduling*

  • Optimize data transmission for jobs within a data center.
  • Machines can communicate with each other directly
  • Uniform machine/capacity.

*: first modeled by Chowdhury and Stoica in Coflow: A networking abstraction for cluster applications, HotNets 2012

Example of a Coflow

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Coflow in Matrix Form

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Problem Description

  • \(n\) coflows, each represented as matrix \(D^j = [d^j_{io}]\).
    • \(d^j_{io}\): demand of job \(j\) from input port \(i\) to output port \(o\).
  • For every coflow \(j\):
    • \(r_j\): release time
    • \(w_j\): weight
  • Minimize: \(\sum_{i=1}^n w_j\cdot C_j\).
    • \(C_j\): completion time. A coflow is finished when all its flows are finished.
  • Discrete time.
  • At each time slot an input/output port can send/receive at most one unit of flow.

How to Schedule a Single Coflow?

Schedule a Single coflow

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Schedule a Single coflow

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Schedule a Single coflow

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Schedule a Single coflow

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Concurrent Open Shop

  • \(n\) jobs to be scheduled on \(m\) different machines.
  • Each job \(j\) consists of \(m\) tasks for each machine. For machine \(i\), there is an task that takes \(d^j_i\) time to finish.
  • Different tasks of the same job can take place at the same time.
  • A job is finished when all its tasks are finished.
  • Minimize weighted completion time.

Relation to Coflow Scheduling

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Hardness for Concurrent Open Shop

  • NP-hard* (UGC-hard**) to get \((2 - \epsilon)\) approximation for any \(\epsilon > 0\).
  • Implies same lower bound for coflow scheduling.

*: Sushant Sachdeva, Rishi Saket, Optimal inapproximability for scheduling problems via structural hardness for hypergraph vertex cover, CCC 2013

**: Nikhil Bansal, Subhash Khot, Inapproximability of hypergraph vertex cover and applications to scheduling problems, ICALP 2010

A Brief History

A Brief History

  • Chowdhury and Stoica* first model the coflow scheduling problem.
  • Chowdhury, Zhong, and Stoica\({}^{\dagger}\) give effective heuristic to optimize coflow completion time.

*: Mosharaf Chowdhury, Ion Stoica, Coflow: A networking abstraction for cluster applications, HotNets 2012

\(\dagger\): Mosharaf Chowdhury, Yuan Zhong, Ion Stoica, Efficient Coflow Scheduling with Varys, SIGCOMM 2014

A Brief History, Theoretical Side

Qiu, Stein, and Zhong proved the following for coflow scheduling in SPAA 2015:

  Zero release time Arbitrary release time
Randomized \(8 + \frac{16\sqrt{2}}{3}\) \(9 + \frac{16\sqrt{2}}{3}\)
Deterministic \(\frac{64}{3}\) \(\frac{76}{3}^{*}\)

Z. Qiu, C. Stein, and Y. Zhong, Minimizing the total weighted completion time of coflows in datacenter networks, SPAA 2015. *:The authors claimed a ratio of \(\frac{67}{3}\), but the proof only holds when all release times are the same.

A Brief History, Theoretical Side

In SPAA 2016, Khuller and Purohit* improve upon this via a black box reduction to Concurrent Open Shop Problem and get

  • Zero release time (deterministic): 8-approx
  • Arbitrary release time (deterministic): 12-approx

*: S. Khuller and M. Purohit, Brief Announcement: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Co-Flows, SPAA 2016

A Brief History, Current Best Results

  • Zero release time*, \({}^{\dagger}\): 4-approx
  • Arbitrary release time*, \({}^{\dagger}\): 5-approx
  • Combinatorial using primal-dual*
  • : joint work with Saba Ahmadi, Samir Khuller, and Manish Purohit, On Scheduling Coflows, IPCO 2017.

\(\dagger\) : an independent work: A New Improved Bound for Coflow Scheduling by Mehrnoosh Shafiee, Javad Ghaderi in SPAA 2017, give the same bound but used a different LP.

A Brief History, Implementations

In SIGCOMM 2018, Agarwal et al. implemented Sincronia which uses a similar primal-dual algorithm without release time. Evaluation results suggest that it not only admits a practical, near-optimal design but also improves upon state-of-the-art network designs for coflows.

Saksham Agarwal, Shijin Rajakrishnan, Akshay Narayan, Rachit Agarwal, David Shmoys, Amin Vahdat, Sincronia: near-optimal network design for coflows, SIGCOMM 2018.

Coflow Scheduling in Networks

  • Optimize data transmission for jobs across data centers.
  • Data centers may be directly connected, or connected via multiple routers.
  • Network modeled as an directed graph with non-uniform structure.
  • Sharing a link within a coflow or between coflows is allowed.
  • Spliting and merging a flow is also allowed.

Example of a Coflow in Networks

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Problem Description

  • A weighted directed graph \(G = (V, E)\) representing the network.
    • Weight of an edge is its capacity.
  • \(n\) coflows, each represented as a matrix \(D^j = [d^j_{io}]\).
    • \(d^j_{io}\): demand of job \(j\) from node \(i\) to node \(o\).
    • Either a path is given, or there is no limitation on paths.
  • For every coflow \(j\):
    • \(r_j\): release time
    • \(w_j\): weight
  • Minimize: \(\sum_{i=1}^n w_j\cdot C_j\).
    • \(C_j\): completion time. A coflow is finished when all its flows are finished.
  • Discrete time.
  • An edge can be shared within a coflow or between coflows, as long as the total bandwidth is within its capacity.

Problem Description, Continued

  • A schedule would decide at each time slot:
    • Which flows to send.
    • How shall we route each flow.
    • At what rate.
  • Solution can be fractional.
    • Naturally required by data transmission.
    • Different from the switch based coflow scheduling problem, where the main difficulty is finding an integral solution.
    • The main difficulty comes from coordinating multiple coflows.

Single Path Model and Free Path Model

  • Single path model:
    • Path for each flow \(f^i_j\) given as \(p^i_j\).
    • Only need to decide the rate for each flow at each time.
    • Edge bandwidths need to be respected.
  • Free path model:
    • Path for a flow \(f^i_j\) not specified.
    • Need to find routes for every flow.
    • Data can split and merge at vertices to utilize all possible links and their capacities.
    • Edge bandwidths need to be respected.

Existing Results

  • Jahanjou, Kantor, and Rajaraman* give a constant approximation (\(17.53\)) algorithm for the single path model.
  • In the same paper*, the authors give a tight \(O\left(\frac{\log |E|}{\log \log |E|}\right)\) algorithm for the case where you need to pick a single path for each demand.
  • You and Mosharaf\({}^{\dagger}\) introduce the free path model, and give a heuristic for the unweighted case without theoretical bound.

*: Hamidreza Jahanjou, Erez Kantor, Rajmohan Rajaraman, Asymptotically Optimal Approximation Algorithms for Coflow Scheduling, 2017 SPAA \(\dagger\): Jie You, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Terra: Scalable Cross-Layer GDA Optimizations, 2019 in progress

Our Contributions

  • A tight \(2\) approximation randomized algorithm for both models when release times and demands are polynomial sized.
  • NP-hard to get \((2-\epsilon)\) approximation for any \(\epsilon > 0\).
  • A \((2 + \epsilon)\) randomized approximation algorithm when release times and demands are super-polynomial sized.
  • Experiments show significant improvements on existing algorithms.


Algorithm Sketch

  • Single Coflow:
    • Multi commodity flow
    • Can be solved optimally in polynomial time.
  • Multiple Coflows:
    • Time indexed LP
    • Stretching to round the solution.

Time Indexed LP

\(x_j^i(t)\) is the fraction of flow \(i\) in job \(j\) that is finished at time \(t\). \(X_j(t)\) is the total fraction of job \(j\) that is finished by time \(t\).

\begin{align} \text{Minimize} \quad &\sum_jw_jC_j\\ \text{Subject to} \quad &\sum_tx_{j}^i(t) = 1 && \forall j \in [n], \forall i \in [n_j]\\ &X_j(t) \leq \sum_{\ell = 1}^t x_j^i(\ell) && \forall j \in [n], \forall i \in [n_j], \forall t \in T \\ &C_j \geq 1 + \sum_t (1 - X_j(t)) && \forall j\in [n] \\ &r_j^i \geq t \Rightarrow x_{j}^i(t) = 0 && \forall j \in [n],\forall i \in [n_j], \forall t\in T\\ &x_{j}^i(t) \geq 0 && \forall j \in [n],\forall i \in [n_j], \forall t\in T \end{align}

Time Indexed LP, Completion Time

Start with thinking \(x_j(t)\in \{0, 1\}\).

\begin{align*} C_j &\geq \sum_{t = 1}^{T}t\cdot x_j(t) = \sum_{t = 1}^{T}x_j(t)\sum_{\tau=1}^t1\\ &= \sum_{\tau=1}^{T}\sum_{t\geq \tau}^{T}x_j(t) = \sum_{\tau=1}^{T}\left(\sum_{t = 1}^{T}x_j(t) - \sum_{t = 1}^{\tau - 1}x_j(t) \right)\\ &= \sum_{\tau=1}^{T}(1 - X_j(\tau - 1)) = \sum_{\tau=0}^{T- 1}(1 - X_j(\tau)) \\ &= 1 + \sum_{\tau=1}^{T- 1}(1 - X_j(\tau)) \end{align*}

Constraints for Single Path Model

\[\sum_{p_j^i\ni e} x^i_j(t)\cdot \sigma^i_j \leq c(e), \forall e\in E, \forall t\in T\]

Constraints for Free Path Model

  • \(x^i_j(t, e)\): the fraction of flow \(f^i_j\) transmitted through edge \(e\) in time slot \(t\).
  • \(x^i_j(t)\): the total fraction of flow \(f^i_j\) that is transmitted in time slot \(t\).
\begin{align} \\ &\sum_{e \in \delta_{out}(s_j^i)}x^i_j(t, e) = x^i_j(t), &&\forall j \in [n],\forall i \in [n_j], \forall t\in T\\ &\sum_{e \in \delta_{in}(t_j^i)}x^i_j(t, e) = x^i_j(t), &&\forall j \in [n],\forall i \in [n_j], \forall t\in T\\ &\sum_{e \in \delta_{in}(v)}x^i_j(t, e) = \sum_{e \in \delta_{out}(v)}x^i_j(t, e), &&\forall j \in [n],\forall i \in [n_j], \forall t\in T, \forall v\in V\backslash \{s_j^i, t_j^i\}\\ &\sum_{j \in [n],i \in [n_j]} x^i_j(t, e)\cdot \sigma^i_j \leq c(e), &&\forall t\in T, \forall e\in E%\\ \end{align}



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Future Directions

  • Improve Efficiency
    • It takes quite long to solve the linear program.
    • Is it possible to avoid solving LP?
    • Or limit the LP without sacrificing too much on approximation ratio?
  • Shed light on switch model
  • Model precedence constraints

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