Sheng Yang
I am a fifth year PhD student at University of Maryland, College Park. I am honoured to be advised by Prof. Samir Khuller. Currently, I am visiting Northwestern University as a pre-doctoral visiting scholar.
Research Interest
I am broadly interested in approximation algorithms. I have worked on graph theory topics related to connected dominating set and induced subgraph counting. Currently I am mainly working on various scheduling problems, classical and new challenges originating from cloud.
Curriculum Vitae
Please find my CV here
Publications (Journal):
Revisiting Connected Dominating Sets: An Optimal Local Algorithm?
Algorithmica June 2019, Volume 81, Issue 6, pp 2592–2605
On Scheduling Coflows.
Accepted by Algorithmica
Publications (Conference):
Revisiting Connected Dominating Sets: An Optimal Local Algorithm?.
APPROX-RANDOM 2016: 11:1-11:12
On Scheduling Coflows.
IPCO 2017
Near Optimal Coflow Scheduling in Networks
SPAA 2019
Scheduling ML Training on Unreliable Spot Instances
UCC 2021
Correlated Stochastic Knapsack with a Submodular Objective
Submitted to IPCO 2022
System H: A Framework for Optimizing Hybrid Multi-Cloud Analytics
In preparation
Counting Small Cliques and Four Node Subgraphs in Bounded Degeneracy Graphs.
In preparation
- Email: styang at cs dot