Course Description

The powerful role played by randomness in computation has been among the central discoveries in the foundations of computer science over the last three decades. Randomized algorithms are algorithms that make random choices as they proceed, and have had a fundamental impact on several areas of computer science (e.g., distributed algorithms, cryptography, resource allocation, approximation algorithms). This course is an introduction to randomized algorithms. It aims to teach rigorous methods to design and analyze such algorithms, and to present some of the key applications of randomization in diverse fields of computer science such as distributed computing, resource allocation, scheduling, and packet routing.


The room for this class has been changed to A. V. Williams 1112.

The mid-term will be in class on October 12th, from 10:15 AM to 12:15 PM. You can bring your own notes, the class handouts and homework assignments, and a copy of the Motwani-Raghavan book.

The final will be held in the classroom on December 17th, from 4 PM to 7 PM. You can bring your own notes, the class handouts and homework assignments, and a copy of the Motwani-Raghavan book.

The original versions of some of the material below had some errors/typos, which have now been corrected. I thank Rajiv Gandhi, Daniel Khodorkovsky, Ruggero Morselli, and Arunchandar Vasan for pointing out these errors.


Handout 1: Basic course information
Handout 2: Basics regarding expectations and the probabilistic method
Handout 3: Facts related to the Chernoff-Hoeffding bounds
Handout 4: The Lov'asz Local Lemma and Packet Routing
Handout 5: Pessimistic estimators
Handout 6: The vertex-connectivity of random graphs

Homework Assignments that will be graded, Exams

Homework 1, due on October 5th
Homework 2, due on November 9th
Homework 3, due on December 7th
Mid-term exam
Final exam


Project (Due by the beginning of class on December 7, 2001)

Ungraded Homework Assignments

Ungraded Homework 1
Ungraded Homework 2
Ungraded Homework 3