Shiro - Of unknown origin. If anyone knows who to give credit to, please let us know.
      With a dancer's grace, Shiro begins to cross the room. His red cloak, trimmed in gold billows behind him, a black lotus flower is embroidered on the back. He is dressed in a tight fitting black gi tied with a silvery sash at the waist. Tucked within the sash is his most prized possession, his father's tachi katana; Thunder-cutter. The red lacquered sheath has kanji symbols etched in silver and the painted body of a black oriental dragon entwined around the sheath. Its fiery main is represented by the golden hilt of the katana and the dragon's head is the handle. Small rubies sparkle from each eye. The shark fin wrapping around the hilt, gives off the illusion of scales. Shiro is a lot like his katana. Strong, yet flexible. Solid and reliable. Beautiful in appearance, but deadly in application.
      Shiro appears calm as he brushes a stray hair from his hard, angular face; the jade clasp highlights his blue/black hair.

The Story So Far

Flora's Journal Webpage PDF
Prologue - Droplets of Blood
Shiro Webpage PDF
Chapter One - Sanguine Rivulets
In Progress

Shiro's Flashbacks
Assembled Flashbacks will be placed here.

Other stuff to come???
Unique Shadow Walkers