Caliban - This is the official trump
for Caliban. It is older, from during/before the War. These days
Caliban has a beard. (Rufus Sewell was used as the
source image)
| Caliban - This is a spoiler free and more recent trump of Caliban. (Rufus
Sewell was used as the source image)
Saorla - This is an NPC for the game. I decided on not
including another wolf in Saorla's image, as it didn't seem to fit as
well. (Monica Bellucci was used as the source
| Eavan - Another NPC for the game. My only
complaint about this card is that it is a little too wide. I had to
work for a while to make Eavan seem less sexy, as the starting image
was a little 'much' for what I envisioned. (Jessica Alba was used as the source image)
Anlon - Another NPC. A little too photo-like for my taste.
I might revisit this trump. For Anlon, I choose to focus on his wolf
side, rather than his human side, an effect I think works in this
instance. I was amazed at how much harder it is to find good source
images for kids than it is for adults. (Jamie Bell
was used as the source image)
| Anlon - This is my second and preferred version of Anlon.
No wolf pup this time, which saddens me, but I didn't want to distract
from the human Anlon. The swirly thing in the air probably relates to
Anlon's Singer abilities. (Jamie Bell was used as
the source image)
Brona - For Brona, another NPC, I wanted a more aged look
to the trump due to Brona's unfortunate demise. I also wanted to
carry across a bit of her flirtious nature, to contrast with Eavan's
darker image. (Alicia Witt was used as the source
| Aisling - Aisling is another NPC. No wolf side shown here.
I really like the way the effects make it look more artish than many
of the other trumps. I think the trump conveys just the right amount
of darkness for Aisling.(Asia Argento was used as the
source image)
Grendel - It took me a long time to find a good image to
begin work on Grendel. He's one of the more important characters to
Caliban, and I wanted to make sure I did him right. (Johnny Depp was used as the source image)