CMSC 417-0101
Computer Networks
Spring 2005
See News for last update
For more info, see my
Spring 04 class page
(May 17 2005)
Final course grades;
four entries and one grade have changed.
(May 16 2005)
Final course grades.
(May 13 2005)
No need to do anything (or notify me) to take the SFO option.
(May 13 2005)
SFO course grades.
(May 12 2005)
SFO exam grades.
(May 10 2005)
Exam 2
solution and grading guidelines (pdf)
Please go over the solution and grading guidelines document
before asking why your solution is wrong or why so many points were cut.
No regrade requests accepted after May 13 (this Friday).
(May 2 2005)
Exam 2 will have one question taken directly from the practice exams
posted below.
(Apr 27 2005)
Exam 2 on Thursday May 5.
Closed notes, closed book, no calculator, bring your own rough work paper.
Covers chapters 4 and 5 (as much as we do by tomorrow (Th Apr 28))
and class notes on these chapters.
Old exams and solutions (including grading guidelines);
practice these in an exam setting (closed notes/book, time limit):
S04 exam 2 and solution(pdf);
exam 2
exam 2
exam 2
(Apr 17 2005)
Read chapter 5.
Preliminary notes on chapter 5 posted.
(Mar 29 2005)
Read chapter 4.
Brief notes on chapters 2 and 4 posted.
(Mar 28 2005)
Exam 1
solution and grading guidelines (pdf)
Please go over the solution and grading guidelines document
before asking why your solution is wrong or why so many points were cut.
No regrade requests accepted after April 5 (1 week from tomorrow).
(Mar 7 2005)
Exam 1 on Thursday March 17 (week before spring break).
(Feb 14 2005)
No office hours Feb 15 and 17.
(Feb 9 2005)
Network socket programing is discussed in the text at the end of
chapter 2.
(Feb 8 2005)
Feb 15 (tuesday) class will be devoted to project and related Java issues.
Feb 17 (thursday) class will be on TCP congestion control (note 5).
(Feb 1 2005)
Sharno's office hours delayed by half hour to MW 3:30-4:30pm.
(Feb 1 2005)
We start on the transport layer today.
Read note 4.
Notes 4 and 5 are relevant for your project.
Your project account info has been emailed.
(Jan 27 2005)
Read chapter 1 and notes 1, 2, 3 by next class.
Project account info will be sent to your email address on testudo
(the one that shows up in your course registration).
This class provides an introduction to computer networking.
It covers basic networking concepts and algorithms, focussing on the Internet.
The objective is an in-depth understanding of the TCP/IP protocol suite,
datagram routing, congestion control, intra- and inter-domain routing,
quality-of-service support, etc.
The programming project in this class involves a Java-based emulation
of networking protocols (e.g., transport layer).
It is a major part of the course and is to be done individually.
You have to design and implement a protocol that satisfies a
given service specification.
Exam Schedule, Course Grading
Midterm 1 --- 15% (Thu March 17 )
Midterm 2 --- 15% (Date TBD)
Final --- 30% (Sat May 14 10:30am-12:30pm )
Projects --- 40%
The weightages are approximate and may change by upto 10%.
You will get a score and a letter grade for all the projects combined.
You will get a score and letter grade for all your exams combined.
If min(projectGrade, examGrade) is D or less,
then that is your course letter grade.
If min(projectGrade, examGrade) is C or more,
then your course letter grade is based on the sum of
your project and exam scores.
A "skip final" option will be offered. Basically, I provide "guaranteed"
(i.e., upper bounds on) letter-grade cutoffs and you can have the average
of your exam 1 and exam 2 scores count as your final exam score.
This page and all problem sets, lecture notes, and exams linked to
it are copyrighted.
Use of these pages for the class CMSC417 at the University of Maryland
is permitted. Any other use requires permission of the author
(Udaya Shankar,